Big Head Mode (Konami Code) Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B Cheats Confirmed Not to Work Turn Vehicle Invisible ? Increased Gore ? Best Cheats and Secret Codes in GTA 3 The following GTA 3 cheat codes are some of the most useful and popular cheats in the...
-: Right Stick Down [: Right Stick Left ]: Right Stick Right ;: Right Stick Left K: Right Stick Left L: Right Stick Down O: Right Stick Up Special Functions /(Forward Slash): Select Button Right Shift: Start Button Contributions
Up Down Down Left Left Right Right A A X X L L R R ZL ZL ZR ZR Home Home Touch Screen Touch Touch Screen Touch XCircle Pad X YCircle Pad Y XRight analog function YRight analog function Mouse¶ RetroMouse InputsCitra inputs ...
CheatCode Health, Armor, and Money ($250,000)R, ZR, L, B, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP Infinite AmmoL, R, Y, R, LEFT, ZR, R, LEFT, Y, DOWN, L, L Weapons 1 (Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass...
Level Select: R, L, R, Down-C, Right, Up, Left, Up-C No Monsters: L, Up-C, Left, L, Down-C, Right, Left, Right This being a PAL prototype, you would think they would work here, too, but that’s not the case. Instead, the prototype actually uses the cheat code inputs fr...
Cpad Left = Delete Cpad Right = Page Down Dpad = Arrows Rumblepad2:A Button = 2 B Button =...
There is no possible way to get past this level in the prototype without using the all levels completed cheat (Up, Down, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right on the title screen). Returning to the Level Map after entering this cheat will cause the exclamation point to be added. Use a hex ...
D-Pad Up D-Pad Down D-Pad Left D-Pad Right A Compatibility¶ GameIssue Crisis ForceGraphical glitches. (1) Huge InsectNo enemies spawn. Lagrange PointNo music. Ms. Pac-Man (Tengen version)Graphical glitches on the sides of the screen. ...
PAUSE/SET+DOWNBrightness down. PAUSE/SET+RIGHTVolume up. PAUSE/SET+LEFTVolume down. PAUSE/SET+BLoad state. PAUSE/SET+ASave state. PAUSE/SET+POWERPoweroff WITHOUT save-stating. Runmake helpto get a list of options to configure the build, and targets to perform various actions. ...
Cheat Code Central (50): It’s a WarioWare game and it works with a camera, so it may pique your interest at first. However, it’s very short, it won’t let you save your goofy pictures or videos, and it’s tough to make it work! Eurogamer (50) It’s fun for as long as it...