3DS ROMs & CIA are decrypt games For Nintendo 3DS Emulators such as Citra. Nintendo 3DS ROMs & CIA Emulators Games Download For PC, Android, IOS, all gender games Action, Role Playing, Casual and more!
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 是一款由 Nintendo 开发并发行的格斗游戏,是 Super Smash Bros. 系列的最新作品。游戏于 2014 年 3 月 7 日在 Nintendo 3DS 平台上发行。 Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS 是一款以各种 Nintendo 旗下角色为主角的格斗游戏,玩家需要扮演各种角色,与其他角色一起进行格斗。
3DS《超级马里奥制造 Super Mario Maker for Nintendo》日版1.02版3ds下载,《超级马里奥制造3ds》是任天堂推出的wiiu游戏《超级马里奥制造》的3ds版本,3ds版本基本上玩法与wiiu版完全相同。英文名称:Super Mario Maker for 3ds游戏原名:スーパーマリオメーカー for 3ds游戏语言:日文...
Download now Detective Pikachu will bring its players the story of a young man searching for his father in Ryme City but meets a talking electric mouse. This unique creature claims to be a great detective and speaks witty. They team up and work together to solve strange events throughout ...
Console Nintendo 3DS Publisher Nintendo Genre Adventure , Role-Playing Region WW Views 193,746 Downloads 136,236 Released Nov 18, 2016 File size 1.47 G3.8/5 (413 votes) Download now Pokémon Sun kicks off the seventh generation of the Pokémon series with a setting in Alola, an ...
Be aware that emulation can be of different quality and that some games may not run well on certain emulators. Before downloading the emulator, you need to have 3DS CIA Roms to import in Emulator and run it. Popular Nintendo 3DS Games The Legend of Zelda 3D An enhanced remake of N64’s...
Support for PSP / 3DS / macOS / Linux / Windows Active support and updates Things that don't work right now: Big Endian (So no builds for PowerPC at the moment sorry). Usage Installing Daedalus: Download the latest release for your platform fromhttps://github.com/DaedalusX64/daedalus/rel...
Download Limón Emulator Discover the realm of Nintendo 3DS gaming on your iOS device using Limón Emulator! Tap the link below to download and commence an exhilarating adventure through an extensive collection of 3DS games. Begin your playtime now!
3dsconv can detect if a CCI is decrypted, encrypted using original NCCH (slot 0x2C), or encrypted using zerokey. Encryption requires pyaes (pip install pyaes). Original NCCH encryption requires a copy of the protected ARM9 bootROM. Decrypt9WIP and GodMode9 can dump game cards to CIA di...
Annuncio dell’interruzione dei servizi online per i software per Nintendo 3DS e Wii U – Aggiornamento aprile 2024 Collegarsi a Internet - Nintendo 3DS Sicurezza Per quali fasce d'età è consigliato l'uso della console Nintendo 3DS? Per quali fasce d'età è consigl...