PokemonPets Pokédex entry for #291 Ninjask: evolution, stats, moves, location, type weaknesses, data, other forms and more!
EvolutionCompare this family BabyBasicStage 1Stage 2 Nincada Ninjask Level up, starting at level 20 Shedinja Evolve Nincada (Shedinja will consume a Poké Ball and appear in a free party slot) StatsLevel Effort PctileMin IVsMax IVs HP 61 43.4 295 326 Attack 90 65.1 248 279 Defense ...
Versions: Height0.8 m Weight12.0 kg Gender CategoryNinja Abilities Speed Boost Type Bug Flying Weaknesses Fire Electric Ice Flying Rock Evolutioner Nincada#0290 Bug Ground Ninjask#0291 Bug Flying Shedinja#0292 Bug Ghost
Evolution Ninjask is one of the two evolved forms of Nincada. Nincada evolves into Ninjask once it reached level 20. Also, if the player character has a spare space in the team and a spare Poké Ball in the bag, a Shedinja is added. ...