The Ninja, accompanied by Master Garmadon (who has a personal history with Chen and his underling Clouse and learns of the Elemental Masters, other warriors with powers derived from Ninjago's elements), find themselves traveling to Chen's Island and quickly making enemies. Arriving on the island...
The ninja (also known as the Masters of Spinjitzu[1]) are a group of young warriors, mostly Elemental Masters, formed by Master Wu to protect the land of Ninjago from evil. Since the team's formation, they have fought many enemies. After Cole, Kai, Jay,
In "The Greatest Fear of All", Nya informs the Ninja and the other Elemental Masters of Anacondrai-loaded trucks splitting up to what she describes as densely-populated villages around Ninjago City. Also in "The Greatest Fear of All", Nya mentions the Anacondrai have 'Taken over the entir...
This article is about the season. For other uses, see Possession (disambiguation). The fifth season of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, subtitled Possession, is preceded by Season 4 and succeeded by Season 6. Though Lloyd is the mascot character, the focus
Not to be confused with the Glacier Barrens. The Frozen Wasteland[1][2] is an icy region in Ninjago and the resting place of the Shurikens of Ice, which were guarded by the Ice Dragon. The Frozen Wasteland is completely covered in ice and snow, as its na
Ninjago Masters Spinjitzu Fans this app is for you! Enjoy!Wiki:BackstoryNinjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master, an enigmatic figure whose origins are never revealed. He created the land using the four weapons of Spinjitzu, forged at a place known as the Golden Peaks and imbued with...
Wu is one of ten Elemental Masters that have facial hair. The other nine are Bolobo, Karlof, Neuro, Gravis, Jacob, Mr. Pale, Jay (in the future) and the Time Twins. Wu and Bolobo are also the only ones who have a beard as a physical piece. He is ambidextrous, as he was see...
Water Dragon: Like all other Elemental Masters who managed to overcame their fears, Nya is capable of summoning her own Elemental Water Dragon at will. Merging with the Endless Sea (formerly): When she merged with the Endless Sea, she received full control over it and the element of Water....
Yes. Nadakhan trapped Griffin Turner, Karlof, and the rest of the Elemental Masters in the Djinn Blade offscreen during the events of the season.[179] Did Skybound happen?Yes. The events of Skybound were undone but not erased. This is why Jay and Nya remember the events and why moments...