brawling mechanics, brought to you by the beat ’em up experts at Dotemu (Streets of Rage 4) and Tribute Games. Bash your way through gorgeous pixel art environments and slay tons of hellacious enemies with your favorite Turtle, each with his own skills and moves - making each run unique...
Ever since 1988, Playmates Toys, a Hong Kongese toy company have been the main producer ofTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys. Their action figures first came as part of the original line called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Playmates Toys were releasing 90s Ninja Turtles toys until 1997 when they...
on Movies You Have to Watch Twice to Get Every Joke #3 Aliens on The Most Vicious Burns Ever Delivered On Film COLLECTION19 LISTSHeroes in a Half ShellTurtle Power! Dirty Jokes You Never Noticed The Most Blatant TMNT Rip-Offs Fan Theories to Think About Vintage TMNT Toys...
Embark on the adventure in single or co-op mode to change the minds of the citizens, get those pizzas delivered on time, and try not to eat them on the way. CHOOSE YOUR TURTLE AND MASTER YOUR NINJA SKILLS – Play as the legendary brothers, Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Donatello...
The Turtles and April O'Neil made an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show to promote their tour. Unfortunately, Oprah made a rare mistake during the interview, asking if the teenage mutants wished April were a turtle? Things got gross in a hurry. Raphael admitted he'd b...
After years of being sheltered from the human world, the Turtle brothers set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenagers. Their new friend, April O'Neil, helps them take on a mysterious crime syndicate, but they soon get in over their heads when an army of...
"A Shellabration with Points of Articulation", a look back at the most turtletastic toys! Season 7, Part 2 7 May 12 2009 Contains the remaining 7 episodes of the Vacation in Europe side-season "A Shellabration of the Turtles Creation", new interviews with TMNT creators. Season 7, ...
(a ROBOCOP parody) and bought an issue or two of Hamster Vice. So there was some appeal to this “they’re ninjas, but also animals, do you get it?” concept, but the cartoon was the domain of little brothers, and I didn’t have one. So that’s the extent of my Turtle ...
Cowabunga dude! Turtle fans finally get their wish! After being such a fixture throughout most of the 1980s appearing in comic books, television and selling A LOT of toys, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles finally get a big-screen movie of their own!
Follow us on TWITTER: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Official Movie CLIP - The Elevator (2014) - Ninja Turtle Movie HD The city needs heroes. Darkness has settled over New York City as Shredder and his evil Foot Clan have an iron grip on everything from the police ...