The new series aims to expand the TMNT universe and offer fresh perspectives on the turtle's adventures in NYC. While some fans appreciate the art style, others are critical of its unfinished look and deviation from the CGI used in Mutant Mayhem. The heroes in a half-shell are coming back...
Deutsch (Deutschland) हिंदी (भारत) Italiano (Italia) Português (Brasil) Español (España) Español (México) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(1987–1996) Rob Paulsen: Raphael, Hitech, Zach the Fifth Turtle, Rodney, Zach, Angry Diner, Angry Octopus Inc. Worker, Army...
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Jacob Shamsian
Mickey (Michelangelo) prefers comfortable nunchuck, and Donnie (Donatello) fights with Bo's staff.Soon the girl April joins the team of the gallant ninja turtles. It turned out fragile April also trained in martial arts. In particular, she uses a special fan-boomerang. The girl becomes a ...