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简介转到步骤 1 The feet of your Ninja Foodi SP101 are responsible for holding most of the weight of the heavy little oven. If the feet are damaged or do not have traction when tilting the oven up, replacement is necessary. 你所需要的 工具 TR10 Torx Security Screwdriver 添加到购物车步骤...
Buy Ninja Foodi Digital, Toaster, Air Fryer, with Flip-Away for Storage Multi-Purpose Counter-top Convection Oven (SP101), 19.7" W x 7.5"H x 15.1"D, Stainless Steel/Black with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
效率不高但可能有用的步骤 缺少的步骤 简介 转到步骤 1 Reaching the desired temperature on your Ninja Foodi SP101 is an essential feature. The temperature sensor inside the device regulates temperature and the cooling fan. The inability to reach high temperatures on your Foodi may be due to a ...
Tickle makes Golang ticker more fancy. Features panic recovery, start time, change tick time, etc - tickle/example/go.sum at develop · ninja-software/tickle