☰ Random Anime Share ▼ View all characters Series ID 110815 Media Type Anime Title Ninja Kamui English Title Ninja Kamui Aliases Romaji Title Ninja Kamui Furigana Title Japanese Title Ninja Kamui Japanese Studio Name E&H Production, Sola Digital Arts English Studio Name E&H Production,...
Anime Characters Quotes Ninja Kamui |85 hits ☰ Random Anime Share ▼ Series ID110815 Media TypeAnime TitleNinja Kamui English TitleNinja Kamui Aliases Romaji TitleNinja Kamui Furigana Title Japanese TitleNinja Kamui Japanese Studio NameE&H Production, Sola Digital Arts ...
A thrilling ninja action game based on the hit original anime “NINJA KAMUI”! Play as a shadow named Tsukumo as you slash and shoot your way through hordes of henchmen and deadly ninjas, discovering origins untold in the anime with this exhilarating 2D ninja action side-scroller. Power up ...
Ninja Kamui (DVD) (2024)Anime SKU: 9555329269658Video NTSC: Widescreen 16:9 Audio Japanese Subtitle Chinese, English Disc DVD Disc Region code Region All US$ 9.99 Add to Cart TweetTitle : Ninja Kamui Genre : Action / Fantasy / Sci-Fi Episode : 1-12 end Date of airing / In cinema : ...
《瑞克和莫蒂》《NI..《RICK&MORTY:THE ANIME》导演-佐野隆史(神之塔)《NINJA KAMUI》导演-朴性厚(咒术回战、高校之神)
Anime Like Ninja Kamui For Fans of High Tech Ninjas Under Ninja Existing since ancient times, ninjas have always worked in the shadows for Japan. After World War II, the allied command in Japan, recognizing the skill of ninjas, created an agency that tasked them to handle various domestic af...
Ninja Kamuiwill be a futuristic ninja action/adventure anime series directed by Sunghoo Park, best known for directing theJujutsu Kaisenfranchise andThe God of High School. This new original anime series will include character designs by Takeshi Okazaki and produced by E&H Production and Sola Ente...
If Japan had a version of The Fugitive, it would have to be Kamui from The Legend of Kamui. No longer wanting to be part of his clan and the feudal system, Kamui leaves to travel the country but is unfortunately branded a traitor and marked for death. Ultimately, Kamui is a survivor ...
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestrawill be doing their first anime work,providing the theme songs for the One Piece and Toriko 3D movie double feature. The band's keyboardist, Yuichi Oki, composed the song that will be used in "One Piece 3D." It is the series' first instrumental theme song. Tr...
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