Ninite Pro App List Ninite Pro supports 158 programs. They are: NameDescriptionArchitectures/select Name .NETMicrosoft .NET 3.5 SP1x64, x86".NET" .NET 4Microsoft .NET 4.0.30319x64, x86".NET 4" .NET 3.5Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1x64, x86".NET 3.5"...
Here's the full list. Can I use one Ninite account at multiple locations and for multiple clients? Yes, you can use one account at multiple locations and with multiple clients. For licensing we just care about the total number of machines. ...
Suggest an app We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite. Show suggestion form Manage all your machines on the web with Ninite Pro Ninite Prohas a new web interface.Click here to learn more. Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware) beca...
NinitePro.exe /list /silent apps.txt You can use the /exclude switch to exclude applications when using /updateonly or /audit mode. The following command updates all applications that are out of date, except for Java and Python: NinitePro.exe /updateonly /exclude Java Python /silent report....
List available apps and their versions. pro/auditMake an app audit report. pro/remote [file:machines.txt or machine addresses]Manage applications on remote PCs. pro/remoteauth [username] [password]Set remote authentication info. pro/disableshortcutsDon't create desktop or quicklaunch shortcuts. ...
Suggest an app We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite. Show suggestion form Manage all your machines on the web with Ninite Pro Ninite Pro has a new web interface. Click here to learn more. Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware...