Suggest an app We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite. Show suggestion form Manage all your machines on the web with Ninite Pro Ninite Prohas a new web interface.Click here to learn more. Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware) beca...
App AuditNinite Pro can generate a report showing the install state of all the apps Ninite knows about, their current versions, and if they can be upgraded. The command looks like:NinitePro.exe /audit /silent audit.txt And an example snippet from the audit report looks like:...
I use Ninite to update my apps. It won't update Everything because it says it is "running/locked." I have made sure there are no apps running, but I don't know what it means if an app is locked. How do I unlock Everything so I can update it?
Suggest an app We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite. Show suggestion form Manage all your machines on the web with Ninite Pro Ninite Pro has a new web interface. Click here to learn more. Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware...
Suggest an app We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite. Show suggestion form Manage all your machines on the web with Ninite Pro Ninite Prohas a new web interface.Click here to learn more. Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware) beca...
Ninite Pro App List Ninite Pro supports 158 programs. They are: NameDescriptionArchitectures/select Name .NETMicrosoft .NET 3.5 SP1x64, x86".NET" .NET 4Microsoft .NET 4.0.30319x64, x86".NET 4" .NET 3.5Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1x64, x86".NET 3.5"...
Ninite's /freeze switch lets you make fully-bundled offline installers for the current version of an app. These installers will always install the version they were frozen with and contain all the resources to install the app.For example, let's use Ninite Pro to make a self contained Ninite...
NinitePro.exe /select Firefox Flash /disableautoupdate It installs Firefox and Flash with their built-in auto-update mechanisms disabled. You can then fully manage the software updates with Ninite.Pro Classic only These features are only available in Ninite Pro Classic. We're working on ...
Suggest an app We only add popular user-requested apps to Ninite. Show suggestion form Manage all your machines on the web with Ninite Pro Ninite Pro has a new web interface. Click here to learn more. Our website is free for home use (money-wise, but also free of ads and junkware...
Ninite Prosupports command-line app selection. This lets you use Ninite very much like a version of Debian or Ubuntu'sapt-getfor Windows. For example, here's a command to silently install Firefox, Skype, and both the NPAPI and ActiveX versions of Flash Player: ...