(1) A regulatory subunit of PI3Kgamma (p87(PIKAP), PI3Kγ adapter protein, 503aa), functionally homologous to p101 in many ways: binds to both p110γ and Gβ/γ and mediates activation of p110γ downstream of G protein-coupled receptors. Highly expressed in heart. (2) A mitochondrial ...
reflecting the maturing of society.Technological* Research will seek more ways to ease the effects of aging.The Mosaic SocietyRising levels of education, increased ethnic diversity, a growing population of elderly individuals, more single-person households, and other diversity-related trends are moving...
Only when we find the source of crisis can we deal with the crisis in the bud. There are many ways to find the source, but only one purpose is to control the source or block the source. If a complaint is received, the victim must be promptly appease and a series of patient communica...
题目Once upon a time,staying a healthy weight was easy.To lose weight you simply had to practise the reverse of home economics--spend more than you earned.Unfortunately for many,but perhaps not surprisingly,it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank a...
The model, called Predictive Health, will identify tumors and help pathologists learn its genetic profile and structure, which could lower costs and lessen workload. New season, new concerns, new ways of coping. Baltimores run-heavy offense broke long-held records ...
EMERSE provides a special “collaborative search” mechanism that allows users to save their search queries as “search term bundles” which can be reused and shared with others. Examples include a bundle that contains 28 search terms enumerating common ways in which apathy or indifference may be...