As many as 20% of patients with ARDS succumb to refractory hypoxemia, and the quality of life among the survivors can be significantly affected for a number of years following the initial episode [4, 5]. Moreover, the average medical costs associated with long-term care for ARDS survivors ...
/utils/ResourceTypes.h Res_png_9patch的定义在frameworks\base\libs\utils\ResourceTypes.cpp中。 /** 44*Thischunkspecifieshowtosplitanimageintosegmentsfor 45*scaling. 46* 47*ThereareJhorizontalandKverticalsegments.Thesesegmentsdivide 48*theimageintoJ*Kregionsasfollows(whereJ=4andK=3): 49* 50*F0S0...
training, resources, use of ECMO, and quality assurance. In the subsequent sections, we will discuss the points that most challenge a new practitioner who is newly faced with care of the patient placed on VV ECMO and its clinical