3. Additional editor tools and visual settings 4. Possibility to save opened nine-patch images as a separate project 5. Possibility to perform basic edit operations with image (move, crop, per-pixel-draw) As you can see – there is still a lot of things to do to improve the editor, bu...
Nine-Patch Editor for mac 移动开发 - Android Me**th上传3.79MB文件格式dmgNine-PatchEditor9图9path图片 点九图,是Android开发中用到的一种特殊格式的图片,文件名以”.9.png“结尾。这种图片能告诉程序,图像哪一部分可以被拉升,哪一部分不能被拉升需要保持原有比列。运用点九图可以保证图片在不模糊变形的...
ninepatch-editor-1.25 Pr**io上传3.55 MB文件格式jarninepatch ninepatch-editor-1.25 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 duplicity-2.1.4-2.mga10.aarch64 2025-03-09 17:26:05 积分:1 apache-mod_php-8.4.3-2.aarch64 2025-03-09 17:25:29 积分:1...
WebLaF ninepatch-editorPermalink A more up-to-date and functional tool than the below Android SDK one, it was actually created because of the shortcomings of the draw9patch tool, can be found in theweblaf project. Scroll down and find the ninepatch-editor tool standalone jar release available...
weblaf ninepatch-editor 实际上是Android SDK的draw9patch工具的升级版本,可以在weblaf project中找到。 向下滚动并找到可供下载的ninepatch-editor工具独立jar版本。 Android SDK draw9patch Android SDK包含了一个非常好的工具,它位于android-sdk / tools / draw9patch中。 此工具提供缩放图像的预览。 下面只是加载...
Java: Swing Ninepath使用的jar包与Nine Patch Editor zip的jar文件下载后把.zip后缀去掉即可. 1. ninepath jar:/Files/biao/android.ninepatch.jar.zip 2. Android自带的九宫格编辑器:/Files/biao/Android-NinePatchEditor.jar.zip 3. 第三方的九宫格编辑器(与Android自带的各有所长,带了标尺):/Files/biao/...
1Nine-Patch图片什么是**.9**图片图片后缀名前有.9的图片,例如pic.9.png这样的图片9图的作用图片拉伸的时候特定区域不会发生图片失真,不失真的区域可以由我们自己绘制。制作9图的工具AndroidSDK自带:draw9patch.bat,在sdk目录下的tools文件夹中NinePatchEditor,做了一些优化,支持批量操作。Android ...
For a thorough explanation of a NinePatch image, read the discussion in the 2D Graphics document. The Draw 9-Patch tool offers an extremely handy way to create your NinePatch images, using a WYSIWYG graphics editor. Java documentation for android.graphics.NinePatch....
Para obter uma explicação completa de uma imagem NinePatch, leia a discussão no documento Gráficos 2D . A ferramenta Desenhar 9 Patch oferece uma maneira extremamente útil de criar suas imagens NinePatch usando um editor de gráficos WYSIWYG....