Only advice to you is, to let the time pass on. Finance – Upright Nine of Swords You could be on the bottom financially, so you might have to think the most well. Additional changes may require the support of a professional or a trusted friend. Also you may require to work in extra...
When the Nine of Swords becomes present in your reading there is an experience in your life that you are going to need to analyze very carefully. Focus on your priorities and keep moving. This card is representative of ill tidings coming your way. Someti
Interesting in terms of advice, though…that Seven of Wands. To keep the “satisfaction vibe” active, you may have to reject or ward off the opinions of others. This is easier to do than you may appear at first glance, but it definitely takes practice. ...
it seems like Hong-joo has double-crossed Yeon and Rang because she sneaks away into the night with the baby, and she personally begs the carrot-loving man to reveal the location of the gold mines in order to save the kidnapped girl. Thankfully...
led by the command flags of the Matriarch of the Dipper and the Nine Emperor Gods. These flags and ceremonial swords wielded by the kengzu and the committee’s chairman were then housed in an inner chamber (alternatively translated as ‘ampang,’ the ‘secret room’) in Nan Tian Gong, alo...