nimo tv for streamer v1.5.27 安卓版 Nimo TV for Streamer是一个进行游戏直播的平台,在这里有非常多的玩家,每个人都可以去分享自己的游戏技巧和体验,平台支持的游戏非常多,随时都可以去开启直播,你可以在这里分享也可以在这里学习,需要的用户快来下载吧。
【Nimo TV for Streamer - One-click broadcast, interact with audiences】 Nimo official broadcast tool. Free to everyone. One click to start your game live. Everyone can be a streamer. Automatically record the games on your phone in real time and broadcast to the audience on Nimo TV. Enjoy ...
Nimotv是以游戏直播为主,秀场直播为辅,通过实时在线开播,达到和观众互动的一款社交直播APP。 2、产品slogan 爱玩,爱直播爱分享 3、开播产品 Nimo tv for streamer 二、用户分析 1、用户类型 使用人群占比 男:83% 女:17% 使用人群年龄占比 18岁及以下: 40.12% 19岁到25岁:47.09% 26岁到34岁:9.3% 35岁及...
Nimo TV for Streamer Android Version Software是由广州虎牙科技有限公司著作的软件著作,该软件著作登记号为:2024SR2141850,属于分类,想要查询更多关于Nimo TV for Streamer Android Version Software著作的著作权信息就到天眼查官网!
More By This Developer Nimo TV for Streamer - Go Live Entertainment Joytalk - Group Voice Chat Entertainment You Might Also Like See All Beta Cinemas Entertainment BHD Star Cineplex VN Entertainment Lita - Meet Gamer Friends Entertainment POPS - Your Comic Destination Entertainment Ticket...
但是需要注意的是,作为虎牙旗下的直播平台,NimoTV本身除了专注手游外与Twitch们的形态也有着很大不同。最近,海外直播行业媒体Streamer News发了一条推特,其内容大意是Twitch正在测试一项新的服务,用户如果需要观看某项特定的直播内容,需要付费进行订阅。在此之前,Twitch还有一项名为Twitch Prime的服务,用户可以免...
Nimo TV’s global presence will give every streamer a chance to widen their fan base by reaching subscribers around the globe. You will never play alone once you start streaming. Your epic plays and awesome strategies will certainly reach a wider audience once you go live. ...
and Google. If you are a streamer, you will get access to the dashboard, and you can download live streaming tools from thewebsiteitself.If you are interested in streaming, you need to be aware of the basic requirements. You will need a Nimo TV account, a good internet connection, 8GB...
Improved streamer and moderator icons. Changelog 0.4.4: Extension improved by NimoTV's new design. Bugfixes for new NimoTV design. Changelog 0.4.3: Chat can be positioned into left side of the page. Hide chat option hides completely chat bar and add settings menu into header. Changelog 0.4...
Nimo TV for Streamer是一个进行游戏直播的平台,在这里有非常多的玩家,每个人都可以去分享自己的游戏技巧和体验,平台支持的游戏非常多,随时都可以去开启直播,你可以在这里分享也可以在这里学习,需要的用户快来下载吧。 应用介绍 一个领先的全球平台,可以让来自世界各地的数百万玩家玩游戏并将其游戏广播给其他志趣相...