调用 ble_gap_adv_start,开始广播。在执行ble_gap_adv_start函数时,同时设置 GAP 系列事件的回调...
ble_gap_adv_start(ble_addr_type, NULL, BLE_HS_FOREVER, &adv_params, ble_gap_event, NULL); } // The application void ble_app_on_sync(void) { ble_hs_id_infer_auto(0, &ble_addr_type); ble_app_advertise(); // Define the BLE connection...
from ble_gap_adv_start(...,handle_gap_event, NULL);, so I can potentially see why it might cause a problem. But it seem like a red-herring. gap_client_get: pd_bt_connected_client_t* gap_client_get(uint16_t gapConnHandle) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BLE_CLIENTS; i++) {...
ble_app_advertise(); } break; // Advertise again after completion of the event case BLE_GAP_EVENT_DISCONNECT: ESP_LOGI("GAP", "BLE GAP EVENT DISCONNECTED"); break; case BLE_GAP_EVENT_ADV_COMPLETE: ESP_LOGI("GAP", "BLE GAP EVENT"); ble_app_advertise(); break; default: break; } ...
adv_params.disc_mode=BLE_GAP_DISC_MODE_GEN;// discoverable or non-discoverable ble_gap_adv_start(ble_addr_type,NULL,BLE_HS_FOREVER,&adv_params,ble_gap_event,NULL); } // The application voidble_app_on_sync(void) { ble_hs_id_infer_auto(0,&ble_addr_type);// Determines the best ad...
Yes. Before starting adv, need to ensure the correct fields are set . So invoking ble_gap_adv_set_fields and ble_gap_adv_rsp_set_fields before ble_gap_adv_start is a good practice. for a second time even when all the teardown was done properly. I am getting a system panic when th...
adv_params.itvl_min = 160; adv_params.itvl_max = 160; } err = ble_gap_adv_start(BLE_OWN_ADDR_PUBLIC, NULL, BLE_HS_FOREVER, &adv_params, 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 components/bt/host/nimble/nimble Submodule nimble updated 3 files +4 −0 nimble/host/src/ble_hs_...
如果扫描不到响应数据包,可能有以下几个原因:1. 扫描参数设置不正确:请检查`ble_gap_disc_params`...
调用 ble_gap_adv_start,开始广播。在执行ble_gap_adv_start函数时,同时设置 GAP 系列事件的回调...
BLE_HS_ADV_F_BREDR_UNSUP; // show in mobile devices device_name = ble_svc_gap_device_name(); fields.name = (uint8_t *)device_name; fields.name_len = strlen(device_name); fields.name_is_complete = 1; ble_gap_adv_set_fields(&fields); // GAP conectivity struct ble_gap_adv_...