SDK的引入 使用CommonJS 的模式进行引入,使用 webpack 的 dynamic requires 标准进行动态加载 示例代码 constSDK=require('@yxim/nim-web-sdk')// 等效于importSDKfrom'@yxim/nim-web-sdk'// 若仅使用 IM 功能,则引入 IM 适配版varNIM=require('@yxim/nim-web-sdk/dist/SDK/NIM_Web_NIM')// 若使用...
npm install nim-web-sdk-ng@"<1" IM V2 sdk 选择 sdk 默认提供以下几种形式。其中 sdk 默认入口为 dist/v2/NIM_BROWSER_SDK.js。 注意,v2 暂未提供 QCHAT SDK。v2 IM SDK 接口兼容 v1 IM SDK。所以 v1 文件夹中没有构建 IM SDK。 dist/ |── v2 ├── NIM_BROWSER_SDK.js v2 IM 浏览器...
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NIMImage interfaceNIMImage{ ext:string; h:string; md5:string; name:string; size:number; url:string; w:string; } Hierarchy (View Summary,Expand) NIMFile NIMImage Index Properties exthmd5namesizeurlw Properties ext ext:string 扩展名 Inherited fromNIMFile.ext...
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NERoom-web-SDKNERoom-web-SDK index NIMFile Interface NIMFile interface NIMFile { ext: string; md5: string; name: string; size: number; url: string;} Hierarchy (View Summary) NIMFile NIMImage NIMAudio NIMVideo Index Properties ext md5 name size url ...
The Oracle Web SDK is a JavaScript library that you can use to integrate Oracle Digital Assistant into your website or web application. The library provides a customizable messenger that communicates with the Oracle Digital Assistant web channel via the O...
Especially when Oracle Digital Assistant is made available on websites or web applications, developers look for a web-type look and feel and behavior of bot responses to seamlessly integrate the bot into the surrounding web environment. Because Oracle Di