One of these aquifers is the Nile Delta aquifer (NDA) in Egypt, one of the world's largest groundwater aquifers with an area of about 22,000km 2 . This aquifer is exposed to severe seawater intrusion from the Mediterranean Sea.The primary goals of this study are to apply the numerical ...
All infections display a biological gradation ("iceberg") of clinical responses and disease severity both at a cellular and host response level (see Chap. 1). In the case of flaviviruses, although unobserved (below the "waterline" of the iceberg), subclinical infections are viremic and do ...
All infections display a biological gradation (“iceberg”) of clinical responses and disease severity both at a cellular and host response level (seeChap. 1). In the case of flaviviruses, although unobserved (below the “waterline” of the iceberg), subclinical infections are viremic and do co...
The Nile flows through regions inhabited by a wide variety of peoples, from theBantu-speakingpopulations of the Lake Victoria area to the Arabs of theSaharaand the Niledelta. The wide ethnic and linguisticdiversityis mirrored in the numerous ecological relationships between these peoples and the riv...
2.1. Study Area Cairo is where the Nile Delta starts continuing down to the northwest for 20 km before splitting into 2 branches, Damietta and Rosetta branch (239 and 242 km in length). The Damietta Branch crosses by 5 state Governorates, El-Qalyubiya, El-Gharbia, El-Menofyia, El-Dakah...
The Nile River was chosen as a study area because of its great importance, the availability of long flow records, contemporary as well as older, and the additional historical information on its behavior, which give the Nile the advantage of being an ideal test case for identifying and understan...
Figure 1. The location of the study area in the Nile Delta, Egypt. Inset bottom right is a Landsat7 satellite image (RGB 3, 2, 1). 2.2. Data Collection and Image Processing The purpose of soil capability assessment is to determine the effect of sealing processes on soil quality. The ...
Figure 1.Location of the study area: (A) location of Egypt in the North of Africa; (B) location of the Nile Delta in the North of Egypt; (C) the study area (Nile Delta governorates). Figure 2.Urban land use/land cover (LULC) and population growth in Egypt [1]. ...
first largely self-contained. The preserved evidence for them is unrepresentative because it comes from the low desert, where relatively few people lived; as was the case later, most people probably settled in the valley and delta. The earliest knownNeolithiccultures in Egypt have been found at...
runoff water in the Nile river basin has been predicted to be 161 BCM annually, with the total amount of water reaching Aswan in Egypt predicted to be ~84 BCM/yr.; This is less than 5% of the total drainable water storage in the basin; ~54 km3 per annum arriving at the delta [67...