Since free-floating exchange rate system has been applied in Indonesia on August 1998, the accumulation of depreciation of rupiah against the US dollar has been about 48,7% until December 2001. This condition brings many argumentations about the reasons behind the exchange rate instability faced by...
This study has three main purposes: first, to examine the PPP doctrine of Indonesiarupiah exchange rate to the US dollar on the free-floating system. Second, to analyzeempirically the effect of monetary variables, namely: Indonesia relative money supply to theUnited States, Indonesia national incom...
in which the independent variables are the difference of national income growth level(X1), difference of inflation rate (X2), difference of interest rate (X3) in Indonesia and United States of America, while the dependent variable is the fluctuation of Rupiah against US dollar (Y), and anothe...
PENGARUH HARGA MINYAK DUNIA, NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH TERHADAP DOLLAR, DAN TINGKAT INFLASI TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM (Studi Pada Pt Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk Periode Januari 2008 – Desember 2013) This research aims to determine: Effect of Oil Price variable, Exchange Rate of Rupiah Against Dollar and ...
MENENTUKAN HARGA KONTRAK BERJANGKA NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH TERHADAP DOLLAR AS MENGGUNAKAN DISTRIBUSI LOGNORMAL60;p&62;&60;em&62;The purpose of this study is to determine the fair price of a futures contract for the IDR (Rupiah) against the USD using lognormal distribution simulation. This result ...
Model-model ini akan digunakan untuk menentukan, meramalkan dan memperbaharui nilai parameter dari nilai tukar mata uang Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika. Nilai estimasi pada model ARCH(1) dan GARCH(1,1) diperoleh dengan metode iteratif yang diturunkan dari estimasi maksimum likelihood baku dan ...