MENGINTEGRASIKAN NILAI-NILAI KARAKTER DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DI SEKOLAH DASARCharacter values is necessary to ensure students benefit educatio- nal outcomes. The values character building are part of national development. Admittedly, the development of character values do not req...
Analisis Nilai Budaya dalam Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat dari Bintan Karya B.M Syamsuddin Sesuai Karakter Anak Sekolah Dasar 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 188 作者: Y Taurus 摘要: Folklore is one of the literary works which contains many elements of cultural values. These elements ...
PENINGKATAN NILAI SIKAP KEBHINEKAAN MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN VCT (VALUE CLARIFICATION TECHNIQUE) DI SEKOLAH DASARdoi:10.59141/japendi.v4i02.1594Education is one of the sectors that must adapt due to the rapid development of technology today. The use of technology in learning is a ...
2005. Pengukuran nilai overall equipment effectiveness sebagai dasar usaha perbaikan proses manufaktur pada lini produksi (Studi kasus pada stamping production division sebuah industri otomotif). Jurnal Teknik Industri vol. 7, no.2, hal. 91-100....
Implementasi Pengajaran Nilai-Nilai Toleransi melalui Pendidikan Akhlak Budi Pekerti pada Siswa Sekolah Dasardoi:10.38035/jmpis.v5i1.1724MORAL educationThis research aims to describe the implementation of teaching the values of tolerance through Moral and Character education at the elementary ...
PEMBELAJARAN NILAI TEMPAT MENGGUNAKAN KEGITAN BERTUKAR BIOTA LAUT KELAS II SEKOLAH DASARLearning about place value is an important things in mathematics.However, primary school studentshave difficultyin understandingplace valuein whole numbers. There are no meaningful approaches for them such as use ...
PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR UNTUK MENUMBUHKAN NILAI KARAKTER PEDULI LINGKUNGAN PADA SISWA KELAS IV SEKOLAH DASARThe behavior of elementary school students who demonstrate character still concerned about the environment more focused kurang.Guru impart knowledge to students and less focused instill character ...
2012. Liberalisasi keuangan dan pengaruhnya terhadap nilai Q-Tobin sector industri dasar dan kimia dan perbankan. Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis 9 (1):13-22.Andati, T., Siregar, H., Sinaga , M., B & Achsani, A., H. (2012). Liberalisasi Keuangan dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Nilai ...