For those of us who are in a Windows-centric environment, or prefer to use a graphical interface, SensePost has produced a Windows version of Nikto called Wikto, as shown in Figure 10.5. Wikto is very similar in functionality to Nikto and provides us with a GUI. Sign in to download ...
If you are running Microsoft Windows as your main operating system you may find having a virtual machine with Kali Linux or Ubuntu will bring a number of benefits. For a starters it makes getting tools such as Nikto a very simple process, as well as develop some skills using Linux based ...
A system with basicPerl,Perl Modules,OpenSSLinstallation should enableNiktoto run. It has been thoroughly tested onWindows,Mac OSXand variousUnix/Linuxdistributions such asRed Hat,Debian,Ubuntu,BackTrack, etc. Installation of Nikto Web Scanner on Linux Most of the today’s Linux systems comes with...
下载和安装 WPScan 在我们开始安装之前,很重要的一点是要注意 wpscan 不能在 Windows 下工作,所以你需要使用一台 Linux 或者 OS X 的机器来完成下面的事情。如果你只有 Windows 的系统,拿你可以下载一个 Virtualbox 然后在虚拟机里面安装任何你喜欢的 Linux 发行版本。 WPScan 的源代码放在 Github 上,所以需要...