Handling-wise, the lens is simply amazing. When I first mounted the lens on my Nikon D750, I could not believe how light it was when compared to my 300mm f/4D – it did not feel at all like a 300mm lens, more like a 70-300mm VR zoom in terms of size and weight. The lens ...
This Nikon 300mm f/4 AF-S is an extremely sharp 300mm lens designed for those who shoot with tripods and demand the sharpest 300mm lens possible. If you count all your pixels, this lens is sharper than any of Nikon's zoom lenses....
Nikon ZOOM 300 AF 【動作確認】 通電:OK シャッター :OK フラッシュ :OK ズーム :OK セルフタイマー :OK 巻き上げ巻き取り:OK 液晶表示 :OK モード切り替え :OK 電池とフィルムを入れればすぐにお使い頂けます。 ※電池とフィルムは付属しません。 【状態】 外観:少し使用感ありま...
Any 300/2.8 is sharper and can thrown backgrounds out of focus better than any 70-200/2.8 zoom. There isn't that much optical difference between this lens and the300mm f/4 AF-S. One stop doesn't make much difference in background softness. If you don't plan to use teleconverters, ...
100mm -1.00 135mm -2.00 200mm -2.00 300mm -1.50© 2016 KenRockwell.com. All rights reserved.ErgonomicsPerformance topNikon 70-300 VR AF-P at 70mm. bigger. Nikon 70-300 VR AF-P at 135mm. bigger.Ergonomics are easy: most of the lens is one big zoom ring. The zoom feels like dry...
配送区域:未定 个数:1件 其它: 打开原始链接 收藏商品 店铺名称:おうちスッキリ看看卖家其他拍品 卖家信息:好评1400差评1已实名认证 商品说明(英文) 参考翻译(中文) カメラに詳しくないので動作確認していません #amooooカメラ ニコン zoom 300 at ...
前段时间收的nikon zoom310 af 随手拍 只看楼主 收藏 回复 woaiscjuaner 薇薇安 13 基本都是35mm焦段拍的,有些暗角比较明显,胶卷是柯达cp200,本地冲扫。拍得烂,整体效果大家看吧,给想入机器的朋友参考。 woaiscjuaner 薇薇安 13 芝士就是力量 森山大道 12 多少钱入的 tinysaltlove 胶片高手 7 ...
目前我在写一系列胶卷相机评测,问题是该网站没有列出我的所有文章,可以点击我的头像找到我,查看我的所有文章进行查看。 缘起 说起来你们可能你们可能不相信,我有三台尼康310。一台全好,一台闪光灯不行,另外台按钮接触不好被我修复,第一次见到310是在地摊市场,小贩开价150,我80拿下,也没测试,就觉得这个机型很...
In my naivety I had assumed that mirrorless had completely solved that problem and so I was surprised to find a section in the Z8 manual dealing with AF fine tuning. But then, as I read through the section, I recalled that each tuning was affiliated with a specific lens and some lenses...
全品功能正常尼康NIKONZOOM310AF胶卷胶片傻瓜相机 统一编号: se74683368 店内编号:3 品种: 单反相机 属性: 胶片单反相机, ,90-99年,, ,,其他镜头, ,尼康,, , 简介: 实物拍摄 备注: 浏览量: 0 点评: 0 次进行点评 打假: 打假举报 录入举报 ...