Nikon has today announced its new top-of-the-range flashgun - the Speedlight SB-900. The new model features a Multi-step auto zoom covering a 17-200mm zoom range, three illumination patterns (standard, center-weighted and even) and automatically detects if you are using the Nikon FX or ...
SB900 Speedlight SB-900 Cover SB-910 Flash IR Infrared SB910 Red Cover Focusing Panel Part For Nikon SB900 About Us Our technicians have more than ten years of experience in the digital camera repair industry. We have provided our customers with a high level of satisfaction for our products...
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯,是尼康在10年发布的一款旗舰闪光灯——的缩水版~囧。虽然是缩水版但也可堪称次旗舰级别,日常使用和专业应用均是不在话下:拥有GN31(ISO 100/50mm)闪光灯输出,保留SU-4模式,可控光束形状,使用镍氢电池时仅需2.5秒即可回电,拥有与旗舰SB-900同样的操作界面。并且提供了覆盖...
從細微的地方,大家不難可看出廠方的細心。例如 SB-900 新增的自動偵測彩色濾色片、過熱保護功能等,至於支援的 Firmware 更新,更可在日後加強功能,設計相當貼心。Nikon Speedlight SB-900 預計將於 7 月25 日推出,定價為 HK$ 3,980。Source – DC Fever, Digital Photography Review, Lilkiwiguy87...
Nikon SB-400 Speedlight Flashlight Nikon SB-910 Speedlight Flashlight Nikon SB-300 Speedlight Flashlight Nikon 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED VR AF Nikkor Camera Lens Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8D ED AF Nikkor Camera Lens Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF VR AF-S Nikkor Camera Lens Nikon 200-40...
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯,是尼康在10年发布的一款旗舰闪光灯——的缩水版~囧。虽然是缩水版但也可堪称次旗舰级别,日常使用和专业应用均是不在话下:拥有GN31(ISO 100/50mm)闪光灯输出,保留SU-4模式,可控光束形状,使用镍氢电池时仅需2.5秒即可回电,拥有与旗舰SB-900同样的操作界面。并且提供了覆盖...
TOKYO - Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the Speedlight SB-910, the new high-end Nikon Speedlight.The SB-910 is a high-end Speedlight for advanced amateur to professional photographers that offers a number of improvements over its predecessor, the Nikon Speedlight SB-900....
Advanced Wireless Lighting supported with built-in flash, Speedlight SB-900, SB-800 or SU-800 as commander and SB-900, SB-800, SB-600 or SB-R200 as remotes; Auto FP High-Speed Sync and modeling illumination supported with all CLS-compatible flash units except SB-400; Flash Color Informati...
而在这几天美国CES展会期间,尼康公司先后发布了D5和D500这两款高性能数码单反相机,以及全新一代的旗舰级别热靴闪光灯——尼康SPEEDLIGHT SB-5000(以下简称尼康SB-5000热靴闪光灯)。相比SB-910,尼康SB-5000热靴闪光灯有了相当大程度的提升,新增了无线电TTL引闪主控、从属功能,尼康也凭借此款产品赶上了无线电TTL引闪...