Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯,是尼康在10年发布的一款旗舰闪光灯——的缩水版~囧。虽然是缩水版但也可堪称次旗舰级别,日常使用和专业应用均是不在话下:拥有GN31(ISO 100/50mm)闪光灯输出,保留SU-4模式,可控光束形状,使用镍氢电池时仅需2.5秒即可回电,拥有与旗舰SB-900同样的操作界面。并且提供了覆盖...
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯,是尼康在10年发布的一款旗舰闪光灯——的缩水版~囧。虽然是缩水版但也可堪称次旗舰级别,日常使用和专业应用均是不在话下:拥有GN31(ISO 100/50mm)闪光灯输出,保留SU-4模式,可控光束形状,使用镍氢电池时仅需2.5秒即可回电,拥有与旗舰SB-900同样的操作界面。并且提供了覆盖...
DSLR and Mirrorless Speedlight camera flashes fill in shadows and reveal details with automatic and wireless ease. Take creative control with a Speedlight flash from Nikon.
Nikon 尼康 Speedlight SB-700 闪光灯 爆料人: 月光照小城 18-11-02发布 经典之作,又到好价,刚需值得入手 购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 你认为这条好价: 00 暂无评论,打开APP参与讨论 猜你喜欢 永诺YN565EX N 闪光灯 尼康口 387元 京东 01-17 19:21 0 -- 斯丹德 尼康D750手柄MB-D16单反...
but also to the fact that Nikon has a high degree of engineering expertise regarding all processes from design and development through to manufacturing and servicing. In addition, the waterproof capability and the excellent integration of compatible lenses, Speedlight, and a variety of accessories as...
First of all, the TTL automatic flash exposure control was able to detect the light rays reflected from the film surface at the same light sensor as used for exposure measurement, using the dedicated Speedlight SB-12. Also, there was no need for exposure compensation even after changing viewfi...
Nikon R1 Wireless Close-Up Speedlight System - $790 (Lord's, Apr06 - psychoatom) Nikon SB-900 - $670 (CP, Jul08 - pyloh) | $700 (OP, Aug08 - Randius) | $637 (AP, Aug08 - Michael) | $650 (TK, Aug08 - gomobile) | $650 (Lord's, Aug08 - postman) | $680 (Max, ...
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Was used for all my web photos up till mid 2010 when the D300s became the everyday camera. Mostly used with theNikon SB-25 Speedlightin bounce flash mode. The A.C. power cord camera connector wore out and has been replaced with one from Radio Shack. ...