SB-300 Compact, versatile i-TTL Speedlight Learn More about SB-300 Speedlight Commanders,Controllers and Systems Advanced Speedlights and accessories for multi-flash control and communication and specialized flashtechniques like macro photography. SU-800 Wireless Speedlight Commander Learn More about SU-...
X-sync for the internal strobe is possible at all shutter speeds. The hot shoe includes Nikon's proprietary contacts for intelligent strobes, and is compatible with the Speedlight SB700, SB900, or SB910. It doesn't, however, directly support Nikon's Creative Lighting System. No X-sync ...
11/8/08 - Prices update for D700 (body only), D300 (body only), D80kit, D60 kit, AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED, AF-S VR 55-200mm f/4-5.6G IF-ED DX, AF-S VR 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED DX, AF 50mm f/1.8D, SB-900, SB-800, Battery Grip - Nikon MB-D10 Multi-Power...
The big lines between the bricks behind the grill start are mostly gone by ISO 800.At ISO 102,400 (H2) the iron bars are all but gone, and all you have is noise in the shadows.Again, it's normal in all digital cameras for details to go away at higher ISOs....
I am using bounce flash (SB-800). Yes, that is why I want the wider zoom for smaller rooms. We usually end up in the kitchen or parlors. I think you just ruled out the 20-S prime though. That leaves the 24, 35, or 50, and the 35 is a bit weaker than the others. I found...
Nikon SB-900 D800与D800E的相同点 D800与D800E的不同点 相机的初步设置 熟练掌握多重选择器和指令拨盘 设定时钟 电池充电 电池充电到装入相机的步骤 安装镜头 插入存储卡 插入存储卡的步骤 格式化存储卡 重新设置D800的参数 建议的设置更改 对拍摄菜单的更改 ...
Foto&Tech 1 PC Hot Shoe Flash Stand with 1/4" Metal Tripod Hole for Speedlight Nikon SB-900, SB-800, SB-910,Canon 580EX II, 600EX-RT,430EX II, Pentax AF-360FGZII, Olympus FL-600R,Panasonic DMW-FL360L Shipping, arrives ...
The thing plugged into the flash shoe is called an IR Panel for Built-in Flash SG-3IR. It allows the on-camera flash to control the micro flash, while blocking the camera flash. The SB-800 flash can also act as a macro flash "commander." The individual flash output may be varied ...
SB-900 SB-800s SB-80DXs ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain gollywop•Veteran Member• Posts: 8,301 Re: D300-D700 Comparison In reply tohcarl•Dec 17, 2008 I can assure you that one set of images, even if made meaningfully comparable, is not going to settle any argument...
No built-in flash, but SB-910, SB-900, SB-800 or SB-700 can work as a commander for wireless flash.ShutterNikon Df Shutter. bigger. Tested to 150,000 cycles.1/4,000 ~ 30 seconds, Bulb and Time. (only to 4 seconds from shutter speed dial; use the electronic Command dial for ...