Nikon Photomic FTN 35mm 相机 参考价 ¥0.00 综合评分 0.0 分 主要性能 全部参数 单反相机 产品类型 1968年 发布时间 135胶片 使用底片 尼康F卡口 镜头卡口 手动对焦 对焦方式热门点评 真遗憾,暂时还没有点评哦~ 热文推荐 恒定光圈超广变焦 尼克尔Z 14-24mm f/2.8 S售12399 文子林 · 2025-03-...
Nikon F Photomic FTN Black 单镜头反光相机 (SLR) 当前出价 €198 还剩6天 11 Nikon MZ-1 cassettes magazines set of two - for Nikon F/F2/F3/F4 250 单镜头反光相机 (SLR) 当前出价 €3 还剩5天 Topcon RE-2 + Topcor 1,8/58mm + Vivitar 5,5/300mm | 模拟相机 ...
This request came based on our track record of supplying Nikon Photomic FTN for Apollo Program and Skylab Program in 1970s. NASA provided the exacting specifications that the automatic exposure control cameras should be supplied in one year and a half and that the camera should be able to take...
这样1000下来我才能使用已经有的M42口镜头拍照。作为比较,同样1000左右我买了Nikon F(Photomic FTn)和50mm F1.4 pre AI,35mm F2 pre AI,135mm F2.8 pre AI,55mm F 2.8 AIS,24mm F2.8 AIS,Series E 70-210mm以及24-120mm AF-D,哦,还有一个Nikon FG。
Nikon Photomic FTN 加入 对比 参考价:暂无报价 综合得分:0.0分 0人点评 我要点评 Nikon Photomic FTN 产品参数更多参数>> 产品类型:单反相机 发布时间:1968年 使用底片:135胶片 镜头卡口:尼康F卡口 对焦方式:手动对焦 我要点评 (可简洁概括您对该产品的感受,分享更多内容可选择高级点评哦!)...
Nikon F Photomic FTN Black + Nikkor H-Auto 50mm 1.2 + Case – Boxed €1,450.00 Add to cart CollectionsCollectors Nikon F3 AF Bundle – Complete with all Boxes – New Old Stock €3,500.00 Add to cart AccessoriesCollectorsMotors, Batteries, Power Units, Backs ...
In 1971, the Nikon Photomic FTN (NASA specifications) and NIKKOR lenses were employed on the Apollo 15 mission, while in 2009, the D3S and AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED lenses were ordered to document activities at the International Space Station (ISS). To this day, Nikon continues to...
Will the 24mm PC-E even mount on the camera? The FTn Photomic head of the F is so big that the lens won't fit! Rotation The angles at which you can rotate the mount of the 24mm PC-E, as seen from the shooter's position. Most cameras' prism housings gets in the way of the sh...
Along with the advancement of technology, we are undergoing changes at a rapid rate in today’s age. In moving towards 2030, technology surrounding skills and machinery are expected to advance exponentially, bringing about a megashift to change the frame