一个马掌钉,一个王国的故事,大概就是这样了吧。 仔细想来用尼康N80是第一次体验自动对焦的胶片机,可能因为使用习惯,相机的手感比70-80年代的手动机都好,塑料机身的轻巧和自动对焦的便利让人几乎想说出忘掉媒介专注表达这样的肉麻话,实际上取景框亮度对焦速度机身配重和操作逻辑也的确让人非常有好感。比起那些明星自...
It's also perfect on decent or recent 35mm autofocus cameras like the F6, F100, F5, N80 and N75. The incompatibilities for older or cheaper 35mm cameras are that:1.) It won't autofocus with the cheapest new AF 35mm cameras like the N55, but if you focus manually, everything else...
Nikon N80 F80 Review© 2005 KenRockwell.com Nikon N80. About $50 used if you know How to Win at eBay or at Amazon.How to Shoot Film INTRODUCTIONThe N80 was introduced in February 2000 and was the best 35mm film camera for serious amateur photographers until those amateurs went digital....
NEW: Ken Rockwell's Nikon Zf User's Guide. Mirrorless 24MP FX, IBIS, ISO 100~64,000 (50L~204,800H), Silent 14 FPS, 4K60, 25.1 oz./710g with battery and one SD card, also has a second micro SD slot. Check price. 12 January 2024NEW...
It's also perfect on decent or recent AF film cameras like the F6, F100, F5, N80 and N75. I tried it on my Nikon F4, and it works great, although there's no way to set a manual aperture as explained below. The incompatibilities for older or cheaper film cameras are that:...
The meters of cheaper digital (D3300,D90,D5500and below) and cheaper 35mm AF cameras (N80and below) will not couple (or work at all) with this lens, so you'll be on your own guessing exposure using the rear LCD, or get a tinyGossen Digisix meter and hotshoe adapter, or use an ...
The meter of cheaper digital (D80 and below) and cheaper film cameras (N80 and below) will not couple of work this lens, so you'll be on your own guessing exposure using the rear LCD or an external meter. It works perfectly every professional film camera (F, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6)...
The F100 or even N80 or N55 offer a few more little features, like completely shiftable exposure programs, multiple AF sensors for tracking moving subjects, more up-to date metering, automatic depth-of-field preview that sets itself to the selected aperture even in S and P modes, and except...
It's also perfect on decent or recent AF film cameras like the F6, F100, F5, N80 and N75. I actually shot it on an N75, and it worked great. The incompatibilities for older or cheaper 35mm cameras are that:1.) It won't autofocus with the cheapest new AF 35mm cameras like the...
© 2007 KenRockwell.comConstruction Quality It's got a lot of plastic and feels cheaper then the metal Canon 100-400 IS, which is priced the same. On the other hand, after living with it a bit I realize that this saves weight, which is a Godsend. It's light and has a lot of ...