长焦微距是一个非常小众的硬核领域,选手寥寥无几,但普遍传说加身,我们已经讲过的宾得A* 200mm F4就是典型代表。进入自动对焦时代以后,除去光速去世的FA* 200mm F4之外,实际上只剩三家:佳能EF180L、尼康200F4D,以及好几代西格马180/2.8。这其中,最神秘的莫过于尼康200F4D,诞生于1993年,产量最低而且二级市场...
分数 规格 测试结果 组合测试 Nikon AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f/4D ED-IF 添加到对比 DxOMark 分数[?] 最佳表现于 f=200mm & f/4[?] 16 镜头分数[?] 清晰度[?] 8 感知Mpix 透光量[?] 4.4 TStop 畸变[?] 0 % 渐晕[?] -0.5 EV 色差[?] ...
装上后和镜身浑然一体,仿佛和135/2DC等一样是内置拉出的. 此罩还有一妙用就是可以旋入AF105/2.8 Micro-Nikkor的外镜筒,这样在拍摄很近的物体时镜头前端伸出而遮光罩不动,比较不容易干扰到被摄物体,所以我的105和200两只微距头用的都是HN-30. 镜头后端的设计,通光口设计成长方形有助于减少眩光对成像的影响。
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Nikon 尼康尼克尔F卡口镜头 微距镜头AF Micro-Nikkor 200mm f4D IF-ED 使用说明书AFMicroED200_4DIF_(27_DL)02.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Nikon尼康尼克尔F卡口镜头微距镜头AFMicro-Nikkor200mmf4DIF-ED使用说明书AFMicroED200...
The Nikon 200mm f/4 Micro-NIKKOR AI-s is precision incarnate. It is the world's first 200mm micro lens.Everything about it says precise. The focus is out-of-this-world: one finger is enough to flick the focus ring, which feels as if it's floating on air, from infinity to 1:2...
Nikon calls this the AF Micro-NIKKOR 200mm f/4D IF-ED.AF: Auto Focus.Micro: Macro lens.NIKKOR: Nikon's brand name for all their lenses.D: The lens tells the camera the distance to the subject, which helps the exposure meter, especially with on-camera flash....
Nikon 200mm Corner Sharpness ComparedOther Nikon 200mm f/4 lenses:200mm Micro-NIKKOR AF-D (1993-today, AF) 200mm f/4 AI-s Micro-NIKKOR (1978-2005) (1978-2005, manual focus) 200mm f/4 AI-s (1981-1996) 200mm f/4 AI (1977-1981)200mm f/4 Q (1961-1976) (this lens) ...
Nikon 70-200/4 VR at 200mm at f/8 at close-focus distance. 36MP © original file. It gets close, but the sides are soft at this distance, probably from field curvature. If you want great macro performance, get the Nikon 200mm f/4 AF-D Micro-NIKKOR, which is worlds better. If...
重量上比不到200g的35 1.8G还是明显重一点,本身也比35/1.8G高,加上遮光罩也更高,所以个头高了一大截: 实际看看拍照表现吧,我主要根据自己用途简单测试的,没上架子,手也不算稳,但是意思到了就行,毕竟比较的时候我手抖的频率也基本差不多: 下面2张同样使用跳闪、光圈F8、ISO200、快门1/60秒,对衣领扣子对焦...