The FM3a is designed for the knowledgeable photographer, who today is the only one buying it. The Nikon FM3a is a total winner. it does everything my favorite FE does, but better. See my Nikon FE Review for a lot more about why these sorts of cameras are so great. ...
Nikon 35Ti Nikon FM3a Review 18 March 2010Nikon FE2 Review (1983-1987)Nikon EL2 Review (1977-1978)Nikon F2S Review 06 June 2013Nikon F2 Guide 06 June 2013Nikon FE and FM Family Comparison Chart 18 March 2010 F100 review, observations recommendations and tricks...
It works flawlessly with every manual focus Nikon ever made, from the F of 1959 through the FM3a and today's FM-10. On the D3X, D3, D700, D300, D200, D2 and F6, use the "Non-CPU Lens Data" menu option to set 55mm and f/3.5 to get full matrix metering, EXIF data and ...
Nikon D1- The World's First TrueDSLR By 1999 professional digital sensors had been shoehorned into film SLR bodies for nearly a decade. Nikon broke this mould with the D1 - the first purpose-built DSLR. This pioneering model brought down the size and price for professionals, while enhancing...
Nikon history buffs will be quick to point out that it was the FM that preceded the FE. The FM, in fact, was the very first of Nikon’s many advanced amateur bodies, an illustrious line of cameras which terminates beautifully with the made-in-2001FM3a. But even though the FM was the...
Released for the FM3a and now discontinued, the lens was never a mass market product and is now more of a collectors item than a practical everyday use optic. It's not even that easy to use. The focus ring is tuned for speed rather than accuracy, and the small size works against it...
Ryan, why is the FM3A your fav? Especially compared to F100, F6and F80 0 Reply Load More Comments Learn Beginner Photography Landscape Photography Wildlife Photography Portraiture Post-Processing Advanced Tutorials Reviews Camera Reviews Lens Reviews Other Gear Reviews Best Cameras and Lenses Photography...
It also looks like the FM3a and others of that series of 35mm cameras.For olde-tymers who remember the joy exploring the world with a trusty professional manual-focus Nikon 35mm camera around their neck, this little gem brings back fond memories. It's fun to shoot and creates fantastic ...
If I had a dollar for every time I've heard someone say some variation of "Why can't they just make a digital FE2/FM2/FM3a?", it would pay for a Snowflake. Well, maybe not quite. But I've heard that a lot over...
I has fantastic AF etc and would make for a "better" street camera than my M240 would, and i would like using it believe a lot in the same way i like using my FM3a and FE2 for that. Sure it HAS that terrible adapter and i would have to use that to be able to use my F glass...