型号 ECLIPSE Ti2 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。 抢购价:商品参与营销活动的活动价格,...
The ECLIPSE Ti2 inverted microscope delivers an unparalleled 25mm field of view (FOV) that revolutionizes the way you see. With this incredible FOV, the Ti2 maximizes the sensor area of large-format CMOS cameras without making compromises, and significantly improves data throughput. The Ti2's excep...
Nikon ECLIPSE Ti2系列 ECLIPSE Ti2-A(仅用于科研) 具有激光应用成像能力的手动型。 智能功能通过成像工作流程和自动显微镜状态检测提供交互式指导。 ECLIPSE Ti2-E 用于高级成像应用的电动和智能型。 兼容PFS,自动校正环和外部相差系统。 它是活细胞成像、高内涵应用、共聚焦和超分辨率的首选主机。
英文名称: NIKON ECLIPSE Ti2 总访问: 7264 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 341 产地/品牌: NIKON(尼康公司) 产品类别: 倒置显微镜 型号: Ti2 最后更新: 2024-11-26 货号: 参考报价: 立即询价 电话咨询 [发表评论] [本类其他产品] [本类其他供应商] [收藏] 分享:微信新浪微博销售商: 上海千欣仪器...
The Eclipse Ti2-E is the world’s first completely hardware triggerable microscope stand. Native filter turret(s), filter wheel(s), and Z drive may be triggered using I/O connections on the microscope control box. Triggered experiments using the Ti2-E are designed in NIS-Elements and ...
Nikon Eclipse Ti2 微观镜系自动焦点设置说明书Laser Autofocus on Plates and Slides with Air and Oil Objectives The laser autofocus mechanism detects a reflection of the laser spot where there is a change in refractive index (e.g. glass‐air transition) Typical Multi-well Plate • Air objective...
NikonEclipseTi22 NikonEclipseTi2 TheinvertedNikonEclipseTi2microscope,equippedwithahighprecisionencodedstageand PerfectFocusSystemisspecificallydesignedforautomatedacquisitionoflargeimage files(timelapse,stitchedimages,high-contentscreening),andfastratiometricimaging. ...
nikon eclipse ti2说明书nikon eclipse ti2说明书 操作步骤: 本显微镜的荧光光路与明视场(相差、DIC也属明视场)光路相对独立。当使用明视场时,无需打开荧光光源,进打开总电源即可。当使用荧光观察时,可同时打开总电源和荧光电源。 明视场观察: 1.开机:按动总电源开关“1”处接通电源,此时开关和指示灯点亮,打开...
Android™ and Google Play™ are registered trademarks of the Google Inc. Related Products Super-Resolution Microscopes Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopes NIS-Elements Optics Cameras Ti2-LAPP Select Your Region and Language Products and Promotions may differ based on your selected Region. ...
可以使用下方的转接件将Thorlabs标准光机械件集成到Nikon Eclipse Ti2显微镜。 照明转接件Thorlabs提供两种转接件,用于更改落射照明路径,以兼容SM螺纹或笼式系统。SM1N4、SM2N4和SM2N5转接件有D9N燕尾,可将LED光源及其他准直光源安装到落射照明模块。SM1A30和SM2N1转接件通过拆卸落射照明模块可以转化露出的落射照明端口。