Now Wikipedia, Camerapedia, and every other review site has specs on the Nikon EM. I don’t care about those. This isn’t a serious review. If my man Hamish wanted a technical and concise review he wouldn’t have asked me. He knows what he’s getting. Also, I don’t want to cop...
In addition to anewNikonFX-format CMOS image sensor and the new EXPEED 3 image-processing engine – specifically optimisedforNikondigital SLR cameras –the D800 is equipped [...] 3影像處理引擎,讓尼康數碼單鏡反光相機運作更理想外,D800 配備全新約 91,000 像素 RGB 感應...
I thought the original Nikon F had a cloth shutter but reading the Wikipedia page jus now I see it had a titanium-foil shutter, too. Given that, I doubt that any Nikon SLR has ever had a cloth shutter. Cloth had its own issues. The coating tended to start flaking off over time, le...
Evolution of Nikon DX Digital Cameras, from the D50 to the D500. Buyer's Guide to all Nikon DX cameras: D3x00, D5x00, D7x00 and D500. Frames per second: The D5500 can shoot at a top rate of exactly 5 fps. DX sensors: 23.46 x 15.64 mm (3.91m/p) or 23.49 x 15.66 mm (...
I don't know if you feel like trying this, but on some movie shoots I've been on..the DP (dir of photography ) when using both film and digital motion pic cameras ...have used a DSLR to shoot a still photo of the subject after it's lit and ready...
Digital Photography SchoolJan 24th, 2018 10 Review of the Nikon D850 DSLR Without a doubt, those who described the Nikon D850 as a game changer were not lying. It’s one of the most sophisticated cameras on the market. While hailed as a great camera for landscape photographers, it is al...
Digital TrendsJun 17th, 2016 9.0 Nikon D500 review Well, Nikon has certainly delivered a lot with the new D500. Given the quality of the stills, it holds its own against more expensive full-frame cameras. This camera is a slam-dunk for Editors’ Choice winner, and, depending on what come...
cameras to the keys for the software. If you think that Nikon will ever bother to investigate, I agree. By enforceable, I was referring to the willingness of a court to uphold Nikon's position. I was using the word in a legal sense. Shrink wrap software licenses are on increasingly te...
Manual Focus SLR Cameras: 1. Winding mechanism inspection 2. Inspection of rewinding mechanism 3. Shutter speed inspection 4. Exposure accuracy check 5. Infinite matching inspection 6. Body back check 7. Mirror operation check 8. Speedlight emission / synchronous inspection 9. Appearance Check and ...
It has a compact design, comfortable ergonomics, fast single-shot AF and best of all, the camera’s image quality is fantastic, not only for an entry-level camera but for APS-C cameras in general. The fact that you can get this kind of image quality out of a camera for under $500,...