选择拍摄模式,拍摄这种快速运动的场景适合用S(快门优先)模式,把快门速度设置到1/640s以上,这样才能较好的捕捉运动主体。 如果光线比较充足,并不需要设置较高的感光度;如果光线不足,可适当调高,一般在ISO1600及以下,太高了就影响画质了。
尼康D700是一款专业级别的全画幅数码单反相机,于2008年发布。以下是它的主要参数:传感器类型:CMOS 有效像素:1210万 传感器尺寸:36 x 23.9 mm 最大分辨率:4256 x 2832 图像处理器:EXPEED 对焦系统:51点自动对焦 连拍速度:5张/秒 ISO范围:200-6400,可扩展至100-25600 快门速度:30-1/8000...
If you wanted to do that, use another mode and let the D7000 do the setting for you.The rear dial sets the shutter speed in manual exposure. The front dial sets the lens aperture in manual exposure. Firmware Defect: When turned ON, Auto ISO remains active in Manual mode. I always ...
Nikon D7000 Sensor, assembled.enlarge. 16 MP CMOSDX(23.6 x 15.6 mm) 4,928 x3,264 pixels native, also 3,696 x 2,448 [M] and 2,464 x 1,632 [S] settings. Sensor cleaner. 14-bit ADC. ISO Auto, 100-6,400 in half or third stops. ...
The Nikon D7000 is a refinement of the already superb D90, a redesign that maintains a small, nimble body while improving nearly every major internal aspect. Its 16.2-megapixel sensor and Expeed 2 processor conspire to output quality images at all ISO settings, from 100 to 25,600, cranking...
采用了全新1,620万像素DX格式CMOS感光组件的D7000,同时配备最新EXPEED 2图像处理引擎,令影像数据处理速度更快,亦全面加强了影像层次、噪声控制等方面的处理能力。在感光能力方面,D7000在扩充模式中能提供最高ISO 25600(Hi 2),比同级的EOS 60D的ISO 12800高出一级,可以看到D7000在高感光噪声控制方面的信心。而事实上...
NIKOM D7000,机身使用的是尼康的D7000,比较一般的相机。[70-200mm F2.8]镜头使用的是70-200,恒定最大光圈2.8的这款镜头。尼康的这个镜头好像外号叫小竹炮,佳能有一个参数相同的镜头,外号叫小白。不论N家还是C加,70-200 2.8都是非常非常不错的中长焦变焦镜头,大三元之一。上面这两个参数...
Comparing results from the D7000 against those from the Canon EOS 550D (which also boasts an 18MP sensor), there isn't a great deal between them in terms of absolute resolution. The Canon's JPEG files are slightly higher in contrast, which makes detail (at default settings) look slightly ...
High ISO NR- Normal Custom Settings Menu AF-C selection- release AF-S selection- focus Focus Tracking with Lock On- normal Focus Point Illumination- on/off/squares AF Point illumination-on Focus Point wrap-around- OFF Number of Focus points- AF51 ...