Nikon Manual Viewer 2 可從 App Store 和 Google Play 免費下載。 包裝內物品 ❏ D5600 相機 ❏ AN-DC3 相機帶 ❏ DK-25 橡膠眼罩(安裝於相機) ❏ 使用說明書 (本手冊) ❏ BF-1B 機身蓋 ❏ 保修卡 ❏ EN-EL14a 二次鋰電池組(附帶終端蓋) ❏ MH-24 電池充電器(在需要的國家或地區...
Nikon尼康DigitalSLRCamerasD5600ReferenceManualEnglish说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 DIGITAL CAMERA Reference Manual • Read this manual thoroughly before using the camera. • To ensure proper use of the camera, be sure to read “For Your Safety” (page xiii). • ...
Focus Mode (Viewfinder Photography): Related Functions View information on functions related to Focus Mode (Viewfinder Photography). AF-Area Mode (Viewfinder Photography) Focus Mode (Live View) AF-Area Mode (Live View) More D5600 Tips and Tricks ...
Koah Artisans 55mm f/1.8 Large Aperture Manual Focus Lens for Nikon Z (Black) High-Power 500mm f/8 Manual Telephoto Lens for Nikon D90, D500, D3000, D3100, D3200, D3300, D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, Add $8999current price $89.99High-Power 500mm f/8 Manual Telephoto Lens for ...
Focus Mode (Live View) AF-Area Mode (Live View) Shooting Options Exposure Compensation White Balance Picture Controls ISO Sensitivity Active D-Lighting Flash Photography SnapBridge SnapBridge Others Interchangeable Lenses Framing Grid (Live View)
Manual setting: ISO 100 ~ 25,600.Auto ISOAuto setting runs from ISO 100 ~ 25,600. Auto ISO allows defining the slowest shutter speed as well as the minimum and maximum ISOs, as well as the option to allow the D5600 to set the slowest speed automatically based on lens focal length, ...
Nikon D5600 has a pixel density of 6.62 MP/cm². These numbers are important in terms of assessing the overall quality of a digital camera. Generally, the bigger (and newer) the sensor, pixel pitch and photosite area, and the smaller the pixel density, the better the camera. If you...
Shop the latest mirrorless & DSLR cameras and NIKKOR lenses from the official Nikon eCommerce site. Explore our innovations and photo equipment!
Camera test: The Nikon D5600 on the microscope – a capable all-round camera, but with a major flaw for microscope imaging applications The D5600, Nikon’s entry-level DSLR, offers advanced camera technology at an appealing list price of around EUR 600. It has a very good APS-C sensor ...
视频来自:优酷 视频中的就是D5100机型,实现了实时取景的虚拟曝光功能。 视频中的安装过程大概: 第一步:官网找最新的机型固件下载 第二步:到 上传*.bin固件文件 第三步:选择你想要的扩展功能,例如“Liveview Manual Control ISO/Shutter”也就是虚拟曝光。