My D5000 User's Guide continues below. I support my growing family through this website. This guide is free to read online, but copyrighted and formally registered. If you haven't helped yet and would like to save or make a printed copy of this article for your camera bag, please send...
My D5000 User's Guide continues below. I support my growing family through this website. This guide is free to read online, but copyrighted and formally registered. If you haven't helped yet and would like to save or make a printed copy of this article for your camera bag, please send...
《Nikon D5000尼康数码单反摄影手册》一书,由资深摄影师撰写,为读者提供了详尽的指导。全书共15章和2个附录,深入讲解了D5000的基础知识、设置选项、镜头选择等关键内容。书中不仅详述了相机的基础操作,还深入探讨了摄影概念、用光技巧以及高级摄影技巧。通过作者的经验分享,读者能够学习如何在不同情况下...
Performance Compared User's Guide Recommendations MoreI'd get the D3500 at B&H, or used at eBay (How to Win at eBay), or possibly used at Amazon.Image Sensor24 MP.15.6 × 23.5 mm DX.1.5:1 aspect ratio.1.52× crop factor.No sensor cleaner....
Nikon D7000 Autofocus Settings Guide 28 January 2011 Nikon D7000 User's Guide. 03 December 2010 Nikon D3100 User's Guide 30 September 2010Nikon D5000 User's Guide 05 June 2009Nikon D90 User's Guide 25 September 2008 Nikon D300 User's Guide 27 August 2008 ...
本书名为《Nikon D5000尼康数码单反摄影手册》,由J. Dennis Thomas撰写,出版商为John Wiley & Sons。该书于2009年7月1日出版,共有272页,平装版,尺寸为22.6 x 15 x 1.5 cm,重量为499 g。使用的纸张为胶版纸,正文语言为英文。本书是针对尼康D5000数码单反相机的详细指南,旨在帮助摄影师更...
《Nikon D5000 Digital Field Guide》的作者J. Dennis Thomas简介如下:身份背景:J. Dennis Thomas是一位自由摄影师与作家,业务中心位于美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀市。他运营着一家名为Dead Sailor Productions的摄影与平面设计公司。教育与经历:Thomas自高中时期就开始学习摄影,并在奥斯汀学院深造。他凭借在...
I'm still getting to know it, but this is leaps and bounds ahead of my old D5000. I am loving it! The sky is the limit with this camera. Report Itacir 5.0 out of 5 stars Foi uma ótima compra, segura e com entrega rápida. Reviewed in Brazil on July 15, 2022 Style: Body Onl...