David D. Busch
Nikon D5000 Digital SLR Review: Field Test Report Peter Burian tests this affordable 12.3 MP DSLR with variable-angle LCD, D-Movie mode and sophisticated Nikon technology Nikon’s most affordable enthusiast-level DSLR-the 12.3 megapixel D5000-is positioned between theD3000and theD90and offers the ...
I'm still getting to know it, but this is leaps and bounds ahead of my old D5000. I am loving it! The sky is the limit with this camera. Report Itacir 5.0 out of 5 stars Foi uma ótima compra, segura e com entrega rápida. Reviewed in Brazil on July 15, 2022 Style: Body Onl...
(History first, she works in graphics and does digital photography at work, Nikon D300 and D3). She decided on a D90 and it is working great for her. I am an old school film medium format and black and white photographer. I enjoy using her D90. I decided on a D5000 for personal ...
Even though my settings are at 1080i and NTSC, my Nikon D5000 will only shoot in 640x424 at 24fps, anything I'm missing to do?? Thanks!!! Nikon D5000 If you believe there are incorrect tags, please send us this post using ourfeedback form. ...
Nikon D5000 and Nikon 35mm f/1.8 DX.14 April 2009: The Nikon D5000 adds a flippy LCD screen, movies and 12MP DX for $730. It's slotted below the D90 but above the D40 from 2006. 2008Nikon D3X and 50mm f/1.4 G.01 December 2008: The D3X is announced. It's identical to the ...
The D5000 in Quiet Mode is far quieter than any digital Nikon SLR, and far quieter than the Nikon F, Nikon F2, Nikon F3, Nikon FM, Nikon FE, Nikon FA, Nikon F4 in its own quiet advance mode, and even a little quieter than the Nikon SP and Leica M3 mechanical cloth-shuttered ...