为什么Nikon D800优于Nikon D500? 更大的传感器尺寸 ?全画幅vsAPS-C 1.74x更高的百万像素(主摄像头) ?36.3 MPvs20.9 MP 1529 ISO 更高的低光照 ISO(DxOMark) ?2853 ISOvs1324 ISO 11 更高的 DxOMark Sensor 分数 ?95vs84 录制影片时,相位检测自动对焦功能可以更快地进行视频自动对焦。 ? 具有闪光灯 ?
为什么Nikon D800E优于Nikon D500? 更大的传感器尺寸 ? 全画幅vsAPS-C 1.74x更高的百万像素(主摄像头) ? 36.3 MPvs20.9 MP 1655 ISO 更高的低光照 ISO(DxOMark) ? 2979 ISOvs1324 ISO 11 更高的 DxOMark Sensor 分数 ? 95vs84 录制影片时,相位检测自动对焦功能可以更快地进行视频自动对焦。
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NIKON D800E @ 500mm, ISO 200, 1/500, f/8.0 Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR Overview The Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR is designed very differently than the80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G VRor the 150-600mm variable aperture lenses from Tamron and Sigma. With a total weight of 2,300 grams...
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NIKON D800E + 800mm f/5.6 @ 1600mm, ISO 800, 1/500, f/11.0 6. Nikon AF-S 500mm f/5.6 PF ED VR Nikon has not yet introduced a 500mm prime lens for the Z mount. And judging by the current roadmap, it has no plans to do so in the next year or two. But in the meantime...
Nikon D800 Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm F1.4G Nikon AF Nikkor 35mm f/2D Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm F1.8G Nikon 85mm F1.8G +4 more Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain DoukyBooty • Forum Member • Posts: 88 Re: Z8/9 DX Crop vs D500 @ Hi ISO In reply to vockman...
命名规则方面,尼康千位数机型为消费级产品,从低到高分为D3000系列、D5000系、D7000系列,百位数机型为专业级产品,分为D500、D600、D700、D800系列,除此之外,个位数机型如D3、D5为最强速度旗舰。 在每个系列当中,数字越大代表迭代时间越近,比如D3500是D3400的升级,D810是D800的升级,它们在继承前代的基础上做出一些...
I own a D800 & a D500. When I travel, I take one of the cameras. I also like to carry just one lens. Which would you recommend as the best all round travel lens for each format (FX & DX)? Thanks in advance for your advice. Reply Mark Condon on June 1, 2020 at 9:38 am ...