Like all SLRs, the D3100 has a proper through-the-lens optical viewfinder too, albeit it lacks the on-demand grid lines of the D3000. The viewfinder is not as large as that of a D300s, for example, but you wouldn't expect it to be at this price point anyway. The positions of the...
The entry-level Nikon D3000 digital SLR has sold well, according to Nikon, since it was introduced in mid-2009; and after a modest $50 decrease in list pricing at the start of this year, spent several months as the dominant seller at its pricepoint. While the Nikon D3100 isn't a dir...
Technically it's unbeaten, and ergonomically it's as good as a camera with as few real buttons in this price range gets. Used properly, the images look great at any ISO, and auto white balance is wonderful under almost any light. Finder The D3300's finder is bright and sharp, specially...
Nikon D3400 is a member of Nikon's D3000 series of cameras. D3000 series of cameras are Nikon's entry level DSLR cameras and very popular especially as a first entry point to the world of interchangeable lens cameras thanks to its perfect combination of compact size, great image quality, bi...
Like theD5300,D5200,D5100,D5000,D3300,D3200,D3100,D3000,D60,D40andD40x, everything works flawlessly with all modernAF-IandAF-Slenses. Nikon is not expecting people who buy the D5500 to use it with ancient lenses, and therefore saves everyone the expense and weight of including the parts...
Took a walk in a newly built residential area around Danube's backwater. View:original size View:original size View:original size View:original size View:original size Sol_Kim's gear list: Fujifilm X70Konica Minolta Maxxum 5DNikon D60Olympus E-1Canon EOS Rebel SL1+6 more ...
Nikon D3000 High ISO Comparison to D40 29 September 2009 Nikon D3X, D3, D40, LEICA M7, Pentax 645N, and Canon 5D Mark II, 5D and SD700 Sharpness Comparison 13 January 2009Nikon FE and FM Family Comparison Chart 18 March 2010
When you use DPReview links to buy products, the site may earn a commission. Nikon D3000 Shop now Standard Packaging, 6 Piece Outfit Kit See price on» Standard Packaging, with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S DX VR Nikkor Zoom Lens ...
Nikon Coolpix P6000: Specification Zoom: 4x optical Resolution: 13.5Mp Sensor size: 1/1.7in Sensor type: CCD Image size: 4224x3168 File type: JPEG, RAW Sensitivity: ISO64-6400 Storage: Internal 48Mb, SD, SDHC Focus types: Single AF, full-time AF, face detection, macro, infinity, manual...
Everything works perfectly on every DX Nikon DSLR, even on Nikon's cheapest digitals like the D40, D40x, D60, D3000, D3100, D5000 and D5100. You'll get dark or black corners if you try to use this lens on FX or 35mm cameras, and without an aperture ring, may not be able to ...