Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens review: Versatility and solid image performance Introduction For over three decades Nikon users have had the option of a uniquely versatile lens. The first 200-400mm f/4 was introduced in 1983 but as a manual focus model offered to NPS...
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens review: Versatility and solid image performance Introduction For over three decades Nikon users have had the option of a uniquely versatile lens. The first 200-400mm f/4 was introduced in 1983 but as a manual focus model offered to NPS ...
尼康 AF-S 200-400mm F4G ED VR II 是一款高性能的恒定光圈长焦变焦镜头,适用于尼康FX全画幅单反和DX非全画幅单反,其设计包括14组20片的结构,其中包含3片ED镜片、一片HRI镜片以及具有纳米结晶涂层的镜头元件。这款镜头还升级到了尼康第二代VR光学防抖系统,并采用Nano纳米结晶涂层镀膜,最近对焦距...
Nikon AF-S 200-400mm F4G ED VR II 是一款专为专业摄影师设计的高性能长焦变焦镜头,适用于尼康FX全画幅单反和DX非全画幅单反相机。这款镜头拥有14组20片的精密结构,其中包括3片ED镜片和1片HRI镜片,以及采用了纳米结晶涂层的镜头元件,确保了高分辨率和低色散性能。升级后的尼康第二代VR光学防抖...
Nikon 200-400mm f/4 G VR II ED N AF-S (52mm drop-in filters, 118.5 oz. / 3,360g / 7.4 pounds). enlarge. About $1,800 used if you know How to Win at eBay; Amazon may also have it. It helps me keep adding to this site when you get anything from these links, regardless ...
NEW:Nikon 200-400mm VR IIreplaces this lens as of May, 2010. Ideal Uses:Perfect for sports, nature and wildlife onFX digital,DX digitaland film. Not for:Backpacking. It weighs over seven pounds (3.2kg). Introductiontop IntroSpecificationsPerformanceRecommendations ...
电子数码暂无报价NIKON(尼康)更多产品NIKON(尼康)品牌介绍 NIKON(尼康) AF-S 尼克尔 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II简介 镜头定位: 135mm全画幅镜头 镜头用途: 超长焦镜头 镜头结构: 17组24片(4片ED玻璃镜片和数片纳米结晶涂层镜片)和一片可拆卸的保护玻璃 ...
苏宁易购为您提供尼康(Nikon)AF-S 尼克尔 200-400mm f4G ED VR II 镜头镜头和尼康(Nikon)D750 单反相机 全画幅( AF-S 尼克尔 24-85mm f/3.5-4.5G ED VR)参数对比,让您了解尼康(Nikon)AF-S 尼克尔 200-400mm f4G ED VR II 镜头镜头和尼康(Nikon)D750 单反相机 全画幅( AF-S
Nikon AF-S Nikkor 300mm F4E PF ED VR 4.6 €1,599.00 Nikon Nikkor 600mm f/4E FL ED VR 4.9 €12,599.00Product details Lowest price for Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm F4G ED VR II is €5,699.00. This is currently the cheapest offer from 1 retailer. Compare: Nikon Camera Lenses...
请问nikon 200-400mm F4 VRII。现阶段还值得买吗,拍摄体育类,对焦性能如何?如题描述,请问有人用...