【摄影超有趣】Nikon D6+200-400 F4,听说梦幻的焦外和温柔小姐姐更配喔~,视频播放量852,点赞量0,收藏量0,转发人数0,订阅量0,啊marco啊,加油 #职业选手 #lgdnbw九尾 #kpl,水晶哥看On回应Bin踢椅子急了:我没说过霸凌,被恶意剪辑了!igang人呢,永远太遥远 如果明天你还在 那
尼康/Nikon 70-200mm 80-400mm 200-500mm 二手全画幅单反长焦远摄镜头 200-400mm f4GII ED VR 99新 京东价 ¥ 降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择规格1 70-200mm f/2.8【1代】 70-200mm f/2.8【2代】 70-200mm f/2.8E FL【三代VR】 70-200mm ...
商品名称:尼康(Nikon)尼康AF-S 600mm f4E FL ED VR 商品编号:10091848341162 店铺: 摄影师二手摄影器材专营店 品种:单反镜头 成色:99成新 适用机身类型:单反 类型:远摄定焦 最大光圈:F1.4 镜头类型:超远摄定焦 画幅:全画幅 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 商品评价 全部评论() 晒图() 好评(...
Nikon 200-400mm f/4 G VR II ED N AF-S (52mm drop-in filters, 118.5 oz. / 3,360g / 7.4 pounds). enlarge. About $1,800 used if you know How to Win at eBay; Amazon may also have it. It helps me keep adding to this site when you get anything from these links, regardless ...
AF is fast; faster than you'd expect if you haven't used any serious professional Nikon lenses before. AF Accuracy AF is right on, as expected. Manual Focus Manual focus is great. Just move the focus ring at any time. Unlike the manual focus super-teles, the 200-400m manual focus ri...
I think Casios used to be longer ... And I wonder now how long Olympus's window is ??? I would like to see it selectable, up to at least 5-seconds, (and then allow unlimited continued recording during "full" push). How long is the TOTAL recordable time on Nikon (1-second before...
You will get used to the focus points and learn how to use them to your benefit.I had no problems whatsoever with autofocus even in such low light. Keep in mind this camera has the ability to focus in -3 EV of light which is better than any other Nikon on the market, even the ...
Z2840适用尼康Z 28-400mm F4-8 VR镜头脚架环70-180mm F2.8可竖拍 深圳市索图仕科技有限公司 1年 回头率: 38.8% 广东 深圳市 ¥129.00 成交11个 JLwin脚架替换座适用于尼康Z镜头70-200mm/100-400mm/400mm脚架座 深圳市嘉泰哲科技有限公司 15年 回头率: 37% 广东 深圳市龙岗区 nikon 400...
My long-ago sold 200-500 AF-S very definitely needed tuning. It was satisfactory afterwards, and the reason I sold it was unrelated (better hand hold experience of the 500 PF). I’ve done a fair amount of chasing AFFT around on the DSLRs I used to have, even on the D500. Only ...
请问nikon 200-400mm F4 VRII。现阶段还值得买吗,拍摄体育类,对焦性能如何?如题描述,请问有人用...