近日DPReview刊登了一篇对Nikon1系列的回顾文章。 你还记得第一个在无反相机上搭载焦平面相位差检测功能的品牌是尼康吗?搭载双增益传感器的第一台相机也是尼康。这两项在现代无反相机中几乎成为必备技术,当年式划时代技术,都是在Nikon1V1/J1上首次登场。 Nikon1当初并不明确无反相机是以谁为对象来实现什么。这些照相机...
近日DPReview刊登了一篇对Nikon1系列的回顾文章。 你还记得第一个在无反相机上搭载焦平面相位差检测功能的品牌是尼康吗?搭载双增益传感器的第一台相机也是尼康。这两项在现代无反相机中几乎成为必备技术,当年式划时代技术,都是在Nikon1V1/J1上首次登场。 Nikon1当初并不明确无反相机是以谁为对象来实现什么。这些照相机...
“Our first impressions, seeing the camera ‘in the flesh’ for the first time, are that it isn’t as ugly as it looks in photographs. Yes, it looks like a Sony NEX with mumps”/dpreview “I can only think they were trying to evoke the big block on the Nikon F Photomic with the...
Nikon 1 V1Nikon 1 J2Nikon 1 V2Nikon 1 J3Nikon 1 V3+15 more ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain OPmisterodd•Veteran Member• Posts: 4,218 Re: V2 30-110mm In reply toGenome58•11 months ago Genome58 wrote: Spectrum Skies is gorgeous. How often have you seen this phenome...
Sony's Alpha 1 II adds pre-capture and improved autofocus to its high-speed, high-res pro mirrorless model. 807 Panasonic Lumix DC-S9 in-depth review reviewNov 12, 2024 The Lumix S9 is Panasonic's newest full-frame mirrorless camera. It allows users to create their own custom looks for...
https://www.dpreview.com/reviews/nikon-z7-first-impressions-review/5 The 493 AF Points of the Nikon Z 7, covering 90% of the frame. Official Nikon image. Other Features and Functions The ISO range of the Z 7 is 64 – 25,600, expandable to 32 – 102,400. With its different sensor...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sll6wMApLPU尼康Z fc是一款外形很酷、很复古的相机。在本期节目中,胡子哥和乔丹将会测试它的方方面面。样张:https://www.dpreview.com/sample-galleries/8801216818, 视频播放量 41561、弹幕量 229、点赞数 1067、投硬币枚数 132、收藏人
【DPReview 4K】尼康 Nikon Z 14-24 F2.8 S 测评毒德大学字幕组 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 7.0万 204 05:30 App 尼康Z 14-24mm F2.8评测:10年尼康用户的我,看到这支镜头真的是热泪盈眶 4.1万 58 08:36 App 【中字】胡子哥尼康 Z 24-70mm F2.8 S评测,尼康最伟大的标准...
The Nikon D500 got a gold award at dpreview (91%). Their conclusion: “The D500 is the most well-rounded DSLR we’ve ever tested, and among the very best. Every one of us who has picked it up, regardless of which brands we’ve most often shot, has been impressed by its autofocus...
I downloaded a few Nikon Z8 RAW files from the dpreview link you provided. I believe they were probably compressed fil formats, so I couldn't open the NEF files in AP. They opened and processed fine after converting them to DNG format using Adobe DNG Converter. However, since I can'...