尼康称这种相机为可换镜数码相机(英文名为‘Advanced Camera with interchangebale lens’A-CIL),并没有采用微单、单电、无反等现有名称。几大日系相机厂商,仅有佳能还没有涉足当中。 尼康1试用后给小编的感觉就是一个字“快”,尼康提出的“可以拍摄到过去无法捕捉到的东西”,这两款相机充分体现了该特性,高速相位...
Bower SLY500P High-Power 500mm f/8 Telephoto Lens for Nikon CX Format 1 V1 & Nikon 1 J1 - TitanicImports.com
Sure, the Nikon 1 J1 and Nikon 1 V1 have loads of features we don't need and will never figure out, but can they take pictures? The accessories show an F-mount lens adapter, but I see no mechanical AF coupler, suggesting it won't autofocus with conventional AF lenses, but hopefully...
The Nikon J1 is Nikon’s first entry into the Interchangeable Lens Compact (ILC) arena. It’s a small camera with a larger sensor than a point-and-shoot camera, but with interchangeable lens like an SLR camera. The idea being that the larger sensor can provide higher quality images than ...
Black, 10-30mm LensSee price on Amazon.com Nikon 1 J1 WhiteSee price on Amazon.com BlackSee price on Amazon.com SilverSee price on Amazon.com You may also like Just Posted: Nikon 1 V1 and J1 review Jan 20, 2012 Nikon issues firmware update for D800/D800E ...
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With a weight of approximately 70 g, the 1 NIKKOR 18.5mm f/1.8 is the lightest lens in the 1 NIKKOR lineup, making it extremely easy to carry around. When used with the compact and lightweight Nikon 1 J1, J2 or V1, the incredible portability of the entire system makes it easy to ...
As you can see, the V1 (right) is taller than the J1 even without the added protrusion of its built-in electronic viewfinder. Both cameras include an AF illuminator lamp and stereo microphones that sit above the lens mount. An infrared receiver is visible on the lower right of the J1 an...
Nikon AI lenses in 1977 already had secret lugs on the back which couple lens information to cameras for Matrix metering, not introduced until the FA of 1983. Zoom AF lenses, ever since they were introduced in 1986, have always had focal length encoders which insert data into today's ...