ebay現有Nikon 1 J4 無反光鏡數碼相機帶10-30mm 鏡頭,原價$596.95,現僅$329.99 免運費! 這款輕薄無反 Nikon 1 J4,其搭載了CX格式的最新18MP 解析度 CMOS 感光元件,搭載涵蓋範圍接近 100% 的171點對比式+105 點相位式混合式自動對焦系統。而在新一代 Expeed 4A 處理器
Nikon 50mm FX f/1.4 Prime9/10 Made for FX and film cameras 75mm equivalent for DX format Silent Wave Motor for fast and quiet focusing 58mm filter thread 9.9 ounces This Nikon lens is going to be the ultimate low light performer. Used with an FX or film camera the 50mm focal length ...
theNikon 1 NIKKOR VR 10-100mm f/4.5-5.6 PD-ZOOMhas been well thought-out for shooting video. As a lens for shooting still images, it’s not very interesting, given that it is heavier than both theNikon 1 NIKKOR VR 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6and theNikon 1 NIKKOR VR 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6pu...
The field of view of the system, also referred to as the field number, is the diameter of the imaging area at a nominal 1X magnification. 25 mm diagonal (circular) 25 mm diagonal (square) 10 x 7 mm (rectangular) 17 x 16 mm (rectangular) ~ 10 mm diagonal (circular) 17 x 16 mm ...
1. First impressions The 30-32 mm instruments, being aimed mainly at tourists and day nature-watching enthusiasts, are physically small. A small objective lens doesn’t gather much light but, as you use it when the weather is fine and lighting conditions - rather favourable, it is not a ...
Re: J5+10-30PD with Macro Extension Ring In reply toTord S Eriksson•9 months ago Thank you Tord, the 10-30PD is a pretty handy lens very pleasing IQ. wingsfins's gear list: Canon EOS 50DCanon EOS 550DOlympus PEN E-PM1Nikon 1 V1Canon EOS 5D Mark III+28 more ...
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7Artisans 120mm T2.9 Macro 2x lens for Nikon Z-mount: Amazon|7artisans|Pergear Zeiss Otus ML 50mm+85mm f/1.4: B&H Photo|Erhardt|Koch|Calumet|WEX Did I miss any new Z lenses? Previous third-party coverage for Nikon Z-mount lensescan be found here. ...
(a lens if you buy a kit) D5500 Body BF-1B Body Cap DK-25 Rubber Eyecup AN-DC3 Strap EN-EL14a Battery MH-24 charger UC-E23 USB cable EG-CP16 Audio video cable Software CD-ROM Nikon Model Numbers Black body only: 1544.