◇书籍Books http://.teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla-books Tesla'sBiography [1]Tesla:ManOutofTime(byMargaretCheney,1969) 《被埋没了的天才--科学发明家特斯拉传记》/(美)马格丽特.切尼著/唐建文译.-北京:科学普及 出版社,1985.12 PDF版下载:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/6112988.html [2]Tesla:Ma...
Nikola Teslas Autobiography(尼古拉·特斯拉的自传).pdf,This file may be freely redistributed as long as the original wording is not modified. My Inventions Nikola Teslas Autobiography At the age of 63 Tesla tells the story of his creative life. First pu
Nikola Teslas Autobiography(尼古拉·特斯拉的自传).pdf,This file may be freely redistributed as long as the original wording is not modified. My Inventions Nikola Teslas Autobiography At the age of 63 Tesla tells the story of his creative life. First pu
The world's best online Nikola Tesla resource, with scientific papers, books and other materials related to Tesla and his work.
1902 "Inventor Tesla's Plant Nearing Completion" "Startling Prediction" 1903 "The Triscuit Makes Its Bow" (5/22) "Windmills Must Be the Future Source of Power" "Tesla Thinks Wind Power Should Be Used More Now" "Sun's Rays will Be Harnessed, Suggests Professor Langley" 1904 "Electrical...
Nikola Tesla 1 1998 作者 My Inventions - The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla 1 2013 作者 The Problem of Increasing Human Energy 1 2015 作者 Nikola Tesla - Lectures, Patents, Articles 1 1992 作者 The Nikola Tesla Treasury 1 2007 作者 Nikola Tesla 1 2007 作者 The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola ...
Portable AM radios already employ tuned resonant-loop antennas, and they've always been this way. We've been carrying around Nikola Tesla's power-receiver in our back pockets since the 1960s. Also, in bygone decades, those old "regenerative" and "superregen" receivers were not what they se...
Tesla invented the radio and had 300 patents. He is responsible for80% of today’s technology! Yet,Tesla’s dream was to provide the world with free energy, but his financial backer JP Morgan withdrew his funding. From his death in 1943 until the 1980s, books about Tesla were forbidden!
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Tesla, Inc. challenged the traditional car manufacturer’s inertia. Visionary entrepreneurs turn existing markets upside down by using innovative technologies and radical new business models to displace established products, services, and players (Sect.2.1.1). But while patents provide some protection, ...