尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla,1856年7月10日~1943年1月7日),塞尔维亚裔美籍发明家、物理学家、机械工程师、电气工程师。他被认为是电力商业化的重要推动者,并因主持设计了现代交流电系统而最为人知。在迈克尔·法拉第发现的电磁场理论的基础上,特斯拉在电...
Tesla was very much in need of the $20,000, which would have been his half of the cash award accompanying the Nobel Prize. His work had resulted in the creation of fortunes for many others; but he, himself, lived much of his later life in near poverty and he would die penniless. If...
Nikola Tesla: The extraordinary life of a modern Prometheus January 3, 2018 Richard Gunderman Match the following figures – Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Guglielmo Marconi, Alfred Nobel and Nikola Tesla – with these biographical facts: Spoke eight languages Produced the first motor that ran on...
, many of them are not well known. A great example of one of these people is Nikola Tesla. Born in Smiljab, Croatia, to Ðuka and Milutin Tesla, Tesla was bright at a young age. In addition, he outsmarted Thomas Edison, had many great accomplishments, and had a quiet later life....
With only one exception, these online versions of Tesla's autobiography all derive from a common source and contain errors in transcription and also some additions which do not appear in the original text.
Tesla is receiving credit for achievements that outdid those of his contemporaries, Thomas Edison and Guglielmo Marconi. And more than 40 years after the recluse died in a Manhattan hotel room, in the company of the pigeons who were his favorite companions in the final years of his life, he...
Nikola Tesla's autobiography MY INVENTIONS. At the age of 63 Tesla tells the story of his creative life. My Inventions in various file formats published under terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
Tesla was later persuaded by his father to attend the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, which he attended for the summer term of 1880. Here, he was influenced by Ernst Mach. However, after his father died, he left the university, having completed only one term. ...
Tesla immigrated to the U.S. in 1884, and he later claimed he was offered the sum of US$50,000 if he could solve a series of engineering problems Edison’s company faced. Having achieved the feat, Tesla said he was then told that the offer had just been a joke, and he left the ...
Transistor: Tesla's influence on the modern transistor can be found in patents 723,188 and 725,605. (a better explanation here) Radio: Tesla was the nicest geek ever until he decided to sue Marconi a few years later. 8 months after Tesla died, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Marconi...