FULL NAME: Nikola TeslaBORN: July 10, 1856DIED: January 7, 1943BIRTHPLACE: Smiljan, CroatiaASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Cancer When Was Nikola Tesla Born? Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, in the Austrian Empire town of Smiljan that is now part of Croatia. More From Biography He was one of five...
Tesla'sBiography [1]Tesla:ManOutofTime(byMargaretCheney,1969) 《被埋没了的天才--科学发明家特斯拉传记》/(美)马格丽特.切尼著/唐建文译.-北京:科学普及 出版社,1985.12 PDF版下载:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/6112988.html [2]Tesla:MasterofLightning(byMargaretCheney,RobertUth,andJimGlenn,1999)...
Nikola Tesla: Father of the Electric Age – A Short BiographyRyan Young
His father pushed him to join priesthood, but Tesla’s interests lied purely in science (“Nikola Tesla Biography”). Not much is said about Tesla’s religion, but it is known he did not consider himself to be a believer in the orthodox sense but wrote the article The Problem of Increasi...
Fact Check: We strive for accuracy and fairness. If you see something that doesn’t look right,contact us! Biography.com Editors Staff Editorial Team and Contributors The Biography.com staff is a team of people-obsessed and news-hungry editors with decades of collective experience. We have work...
Biography of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla is undoubtedly one of the most influential scientists of all time. He was born on July 10th, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika; at this time, Smiljan was located in the Austro-Hungarian Empire region of Croatia. Tesla was thought to be one of the very few pe...
“Munson capably describes Tesla as a man before his time, often misunderstood because few shared his imagination and insight. Entrepreneurs, inventors, engineers, and futurists will find this biography inspiring.” —Library Journal “Rich in historical and personal detail, Tesla tells the extraordina...
BiographyIn 1886, when Nikola Tesla went to work for George Westinghouse's electrical company, most commercially generated electricity was distributed over a direct current (DC) system. Such a system was very expensive to maintain, in part because much of the electricity was lost to resistance an...
Wizard — The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla Marc Seifer xiv, 542 pages, illustrated, references, indexed. 298-WLT$19.95Your Price: $15.95 << Back to Biography page << Back to Book List page DESCRIPTION: This is the most recent and largest of the Tesla biographies that has been produced...
Biography Nikola Tesla is Notable. Nikola Tesla is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. He was born to Serbian parents, Milutin Tesla an Orthodox priest and Đuka Tesla (née Mandić), whose father was also an Orthodox pri...