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Download on PC APK Details Last Update:2022-09-22Current Version:Varies with device GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE is an immersive scifi RPG shooter game, where you recruit and command various maidens to form a beautiful anime girl squad that specializes in wielding guns and other unique scifi weap...
GODDESS OF VICTORY NIKKE(胜利女神NIKKE日服)一款身临其境的科幻RPG射击游戏,在享受动态战斗效果的同时,玩家持续攻击以积累能量,通过简单直观的控制体验下一层次的射击动作。在游戏中,玩家可以招募和指挥各种少女组成一支美丽的动漫少女队,专门使用枪支和其他独特的科幻武器。 GODDESS OF VICTORY NIKKE怎么进入游戏 1、...
It is free for download on iOS. When was the GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE released ? GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE was released on 2nd November 2022. When was the GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE updated ? The latest updated date of GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE on 18th May 2023. ...
《GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE》(中文译名《胜利女神:妮姬》)是由SHIFT UP开发的一款结合角色扮演与射击元素的放置类手机游戏。游戏以独特的后末日世界为背景,讲述了人类为了夺回被外星生物占据的地面,派遣被称为“妮姬”的机械女孩进行战斗的故事。玩家将扮演指挥官,带领这些美少女战士,抵抗敌人,逐步推进夺回地面的战斗...
We're going to dive into the complete tier list below, but if you want to check out the units in a specific tier or just skip to the Goddess of Victory: NIKKE reroll guide straight up (which is quite massive, we have to admit), then you can use the quick links below! S+ Tier...
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