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Explore and grab your own pair of customized Nike Elite Basketball socks now, here. Nike Fade Elite Crew Sock Kobe Flight Pack Elite Crew Sock KD Electric Eel Elite Crew Sock View Comments (2) Author TheWongKicks My name is Jordan! Bay Area/Orange County based. I love shoes, basketball...
NIKEiD: Player Edition : The NIKEiD: Player Edition series features the inspiration behind the shoes worn by Nike Basketball's roster of top NBA players. Until now these players' shoes were one-of-a-kind exclusives, now they are made on NIKEiD.com with th ...
24. On Christmas Day in 2010, Nike Basketball shook up the sneaker universe when it introduced the "Grinch"Nike Kobe 6. While Nike never officially linked the bright green style to the iconic Dr. Seuss character, sneaker enthusiasts made the connection instantly, giving energy to what's become...
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HTM shoes have always been in high demand and now NikeiD is giving you the chance to customize your own HTM Air Max sneakers.
但在11 月 11 日的凌晨零点开始,你将可以通过 NIKEiD 定制属于你自己的 LeBron & Kyrie Four Wins 套装! 除了同主题配色选项外,你还可以加入个人元素,打造全球独一无二的总冠军球鞋。 但这一福利仅在 NIKEiD 官网上线一天,并且数量极为有限!先到先得,还请大家关注,可以点击此链接进入 NIKEiD 官网。
Custom Women's Workout Shoes $170 Choose a So-You Shoe Whether you’re remixing a classic into something never seen before or simplifying the latest drop into a totally neutral palette, your customization journey starts with choosing a shoe. Luckily, we’re always adding newness so you can ...