Swoosh 又有新玩法 全新配色 Nike Waffle Debut 伴随着复古热度的不断攀升,Nike 的 Waffle 系列凭借着复古造型受到了广大球鞋爱好者的高度关注。 近日,全新鞋款 Nike Waffle Debut 官图曝光。 鞋面采用皮革搭配麂皮材质,质感不俗,配色以黄色为主调呈现,细节处点缀蓝、白两色,视觉效果亮眼吸睛。 最大的亮点是侧面...
The unique waffle pattern that spreads along the bottom of the outsole is one of Nike’s trademark designs and is made to give you added traction and an amazing grip while you are out on the run. One of the wonderful things about the waffle sole is that it is made of an extremely ...
It’s arguably the best basketball shoe of all time and one of the Greatest Shoes of All Time, and stands as a major piece of sneaker history you can still slip into today.Even 30 years after its debut, fans can generally expect new styles to sell out instantly. Available in low-, ...
The Nike Air Max 270 is made to be a casual lifestyle sneaker so it isn’t necessarily built to take you hiking across any imaginable terrain. The outsole is equipped with reinforced rubber and boasts a flexible waffle and ribbed design, but there aren’t a lot of lugs that would keep...
#Z-ONE SNEAKER##Nike Waffle Debut##新品发售# 上世纪70年代,Nike创新领头人Bill Bowerman以华夫饼为灵感,打造了经典的Nike Waffle系列,随后其便成为众多设计师和鞋款的灵感来源之一。此番Nike再度以该历久弥新的轮廓为基础,构建全新Waffle Debut样式。
Waffle rubber sole Imported You May Also Like Clearance Nike Downshifter 13 Running Shoe - Women's Add to bag to see price ★★★ 5(2) Clearance Clearance Nike Winflo 10 Running Shoe - Women's $84.98 ★★★ 4.5(150) Clearance Top Rated Nike...
而这双未市售球鞋的鞋型是Nike Phoenix Waffle,看到这个鞋型一定会让大家想到当时与sacai推出的三方联名合作,不知道这次实物到底是即将发售的合作还是藤原浩个人的定制设计。 目前Fragment Design x Nike Phoenix Waffle暂未公布具体发售计划,各位鞋友觉得设计如何?
NIKE, NIKE WAFFLE RACING FLAT, MOON SHOE, SIZE 12.5, 1972 OG Nylon, Leather/Suede, Rubber 1972 Condition report Please log in Catalogue note The Nike “Moon Shoe” is one of the most significant artifacts in the history of the multi-billion doll...
Nike Waffle One Color: Pale Ivory/Light Bone-Black-Orange Style Code: DJ9640-101 Release Date: October 18, 2021 Price: $100 USD
Nike Waffle Racer Crater Color: Summit White/Hyper Crimson-Photon Dust Style Code: CT1983-101 Price: $100