Can you believe it's already been 10 years of Tech Fleece? We’re celebrating the occasion with the original tailored lines you know and love, plus a new color palette inspired by natural minerals. Our premium, lightweight fleece is smooth both inside and out—giving you plenty of warmth ...
After 10 years of setting the bar for premium warmth and polished comfort, Tech Fleece is opening a new era: Tech Fleece Reimagined. Drawn from a palette of sophisticated neutrals and applied to new head-to-toe looks, it's time to make a fresh statement. These premium fleece pants feature...
NIKE 女士 Tech Fleece 运动套装 L 灰色图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Nike海外版tech fleece系列风行者夹克外套+卫裤套装 上衣CU4490 卫裤805163吊牌、洗标、AD标、合格证等货号均一致,完完全全可进柜子,可跨境代购,品质一如既往,不用担心,毒物!目前配色已经做到了??个配色,后期还会做到20-30个配色,所有配色细节如图所见,品质看的见,今年升级了套装,定织定染面料,无色差,另外掌柜稍微...
【Nike Tech Fleece拉链连帽外套 5折后仅59欧!】 肩膀、胸围和身体部位皆宽松,方便灵活层搭出运动感造型。内外触感皆滑顺的高级 Fleece,比以往更柔软保暖,且同样保有你喜爱的轻量结构。精致 Windrunner 线条,致敬 1970 年代后期的经典跑步外套。落肩与缝片式衣袖设计,畅动不受限。O网页链接 û收藏 转发 ...
FastCo Works Capital One IBM SAP Nike Unveils A High-Tech Sweatshirt, Inspired By Surfing Gear Nike’s latest innovation--materialized in the Tech Fleece Collection--revamps the classics. advertisement LatestNike Tech Fleece CollectionNews advertisement...
1. Nike Tech Fleece 是一种创新的纺织技术。2. 该面料结合了轻盈感和保暖性,满足人们在运动时对舒适度的需求。3. 其设计中,针织棉布层之间夹有高密度透气材料,有助于保持空气在夹层中,从而实现保暖而轻盈的效果。4. 面料的光滑饰面不仅赋予服装现代感,还增强了其流线型外观。5. 内部的透气...
【Nike Tech Fleece 全新系列「Reimagined」正式登场】Nike 正式推出 Nike Tech Fleece 全新系列「Reimagined」,透过融入当代设计,重新诠释这款多功能服饰,并庆祝该系列问世 10 周年。「Reimagined」以超现代手法呈现,并从时装秀中汲取灵感,带来多款兼具时尚版型与简约风格的单品,还加入轻盈面料提升整体保暖性,藉此凸显该...
Essential Fleece Sweatsuits 技术 (1) Tech Fleece 运动 (6) 休闲款 篮球 美式橄榄球 足球 + 更多 棒球 高尔夫 - 更少 品牌 Nike Sportswear 设计亮点 口袋 连帽 袖长 短袖 长袖 衣长/裤长 全长 领口款式 贴合圆领 尺码 亚洲尺码 尺码 SMLXLXXLXSSMLXL ...