🔥NIKE昔日鞋王|aj1 og芝加哥,鞋柜有这一双就够了,别的都入不了你的法眼 💥昔日鞋王,鞋型绝绝子,好看显腿长,现在的aj1 差点意思。。。 咋么说肯定也是个经典, 你喜欢嘛?#甜出圈的心动好鞋 #心动的好鞋初体验 #2025年开学季 #好物分享a j 1 #2025第一份哇塞礼物 Jordan Air Jordan 1 Retro...
看照片,权志龙这是在NBA赛场观看比赛,在比赛途中拿出手机拍照给好友分享。权志龙小哥上脚的这款球鞋是Air Jordan 1 Hi OG Chicago,这可是最经典的 OG芝加哥AJ的复刻呀!藤原浩也亲晒过照片!估计这款AJ 1入手难度超高。这款酷似白红芝加哥配色的AJ 1,据说会在下半年发售,虽然没有完全复刻经典的AJ 1芝加哥,...
最近,NIKE(耐克)再次推出Air Jordan 1 Low OG “Chicago”配色篮球鞋,用经典的元年低帮造型和芝加哥经典配色来打造这款充满回忆的篮球鞋。目前,这款篮球鞋已在NIKE美国在线商城发售,价格130美元(约合850元)。 Air Jordan 1 Low OG “Chicago”以全粒牛皮面革打造,红色和白色搭配的鞋面,大大的黑色Swoosh标志、飞翼...
aj1芝加哥头层皮 Air Jordan 1 Chicago OG GS AJ1 芝加哥公牛 575441-101 尺码:36-40 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...查看更多 a 2648关注 10.8万粉丝 4067微博 微关系 他的关注(2639) 坚持减肥赛真珠 毛利 ...
服了 最近的aj1鞋型已经比前两年好不少了,这次的芝加哥也算是jordan比较有良心的复刻了。
NIKE, NIKE AIR JORDAN 1, SIZE 12 Rubber, Leather, Cotton 1985 狀況報告 圖錄說明 The Nike “Air Jordan” is one of the most iconic designs in the history of both streetwear and basketball, and is a key part of the origin of the Air Jordan brand for Nike. Designed...
NIKE, NIKE AIR JORDAN 1, SIZE 12 Rubber, Leather, Cotton 1985 Condition report Catalogue note The Nike “Air Jordan” is one of the most iconic designs in the history of both streetwear and basketball, and is a key part of the origin of the Air Jordan brand for Nike. Designed ...
NIKE, NIKE AIR JORDAN 1, SIZE 12 Rubber, Leather, Cotton 1985 Rapport d'état Note de catalogue The Nike “Air Jordan” is one of the most iconic designs in the history of both streetwear and basketball, and is a key part of the origin of the Air Jordan brand for Nike...
Description NIKE, NIKE AIR JORDAN 1, SIZE 12 Rubber, Leather, Cotton 1985 Please log in The Nike “Air Jordan” is one of the most iconic designs in the history of both streetwear and basketball, and is a key part of the origin of the Air Jordan brand for Nike. Designed...
今年Air Jordan 1“Chicago” 将以Reimagined形式回归,无疑是所有鞋友顶点的渴望。从外观来看,这款鞋的鞋型将更接近85年原版的设计。同时在鞋头白色的部分采用了爆裂纹皮质,鞋舌部分则是微微发黄的做旧质感,属实OG中的OG!这双鞋将于今年10月29日开启发售!售价为180美元,抢到就是人中龙凤!最后,梦回公牛王朝...